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American Airlines flight attendant found dead in hotel room with sock in her mouth has been identified

American Airlines flight attendant found dead in hotel room with sock in her mouth has been identified

Cleaning staff made the grim discovery earlier this week

The American Airlines flight attendant who was found dead in a hotel room with a sock in her mouth has been identified.

Cleaning staff at the Philadelphia Airport Marriott called police after making the horrific discovery on Monday, 26 September.

The 66-year-old woman, a flight attendant for American Airlines, was supposed to have checked out of her room two days earlier.

She was found with a sock in her mouth, and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Despite the unusual circumstances she was found in, Philadelphia police said there was no sign of forced entry, no signs of a struggle and no weapons were recovered - but they are still treating her death as suspicious.

The woman was reportedly on 'several medications', according to police, and a handful of sealed prescription drug bottles were also found in the room, 6ABC Philadelphia reports.

She was found dead at the Philadelphia Airport Marriott hotel.
Google Maps

She has now been formally identified as Diana Ramos, the Philadelphia Police Department confirmed on Thursday 28 September.

Ramos had worked for American Airlines for 25 years, and had been on a layover in Philadelphia after staffing a flight from Los Angeles.

In a statement, American Airlines said: "We are devastated by this news. Our thoughts are with the family and colleagues, and we're doing everything we can to ensure all affected have the support they need during this difficult time.

“We will continue to cooperate fully with local law enforcement in their investigation.”

She has been named as Diana Ramos.
Facebook/Diana Ramos

A flight attendant, who wished to remain anonymous, told Fox News that concern was raised after the crew realised a staff member was missing for a flight.

"The crew is saying they were staying at a hotel located inside of the Philadelphia airport," they said.

"They didn't meet in the lobby for pickup as they normally would due to the hotel being located in the airport. No van shuttle being needed.

Facebook/Diana Ramos

"Upon reaching their gate and realizing that one of the flight attendants wasn't at the gate, the crew notified the gate agents they were missing a crew member and one of the crew members say that as far as they know, another crew member tried to call the hotel twice to get them to check on the missing crew member."

A police spokesperson said on Wednesday that Ramos' body was transported to the medical examiner’s office for an autopsy.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Diana Ramos / WPVI

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