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Spain Set To Fine Tourists $785 If They Urinate In The Sea

Spain Set To Fine Tourists $785 If They Urinate In The Sea

How officials will enforce the new rule is anyone's guess

A city in Spain has ruled peeing in the sea a punishable offence, and anyone who’s caught taking a mid-swim leak could be slapped with a hefty fine. 

The council of Vigo in the Galicia region of the country implemented the new ruling in a bid to clean up its beaches as tourist figures continue to rise following the pandemic. 

As such, visitors and locals alike who are spotted partaking in the age-old tradition of using the sea for a quick wee will face a fine of up to £640 ($785). 

But while authorities have updated the regulations to ban ‘physiological evacuation on the beach or in the sea’, there’s no news on exactly how they’ll enforce it.

Vigo in Spain intends on fining anyone who's caught peeing in the sea.
Creative Commons

It won’t be an easy task considering peeing in the sea is often a covert job, although some have suggested beach staff might keep an eye out for anyone who goes into the water waist deep. 

If you do find yourself at one of Vigo’s beaches this summer and nature’s calling, the council intends on adding more portaloos in the area. 

A number of people have commented on the news, with many who are sceptical about the city’s plans. 

“Who is going to be monitoring tourists having a wee in the sea?” wrote one on Twitter, while another said: “How do they prove it?”

A third added: “Must be April fools day in Spain, how they going to catch you having a wee if you're in the water?”

“What next? Fine people who fart for putting gases into the atmosphere?” asked a fourth. “How on earth are they going to police people pissing in the sea?”

As well as toilet habits, The Telegraph reports that the new rules also include fines for using soap in water on the beach, leaving rubbish on the sand and using barbecues, gas cylinders or other fire hazards.

Outside of Vigo, there are a number of regulations that differ depending on the region of Spain and could lead to tourists getting fined.

For instance, women in bikinis and topless men could be charged over £255 ($315) if they fail to cover up when leaving the beach. 

Tourists can't be going topless in certain areas of Spain.

Elsewhere, the government of the Balearic Islands – which includes Magaluf, Majorca and Ibiza – is cracking down on tourists’ drunken behaviour.

As part of the campaign, certain regions associated with boozy Brits abroad are limiting alcoholic drinks to six per day in all-inclusive hotels, while 2-for-1, happy hour and free bar offers have been prohibited.

In certain cities such as Barcelona and Madrid, drinking alcohol on the streets is banned and comes with a fine of up to £515 ($630).

It’s worth getting clued up on these if you do plan on travelling to the popular holiday destination this summer. 

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Travel, World News