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Heart-stopping moment driver cheats death when lightning strike sends tree crashing down

Heart-stopping moment driver cheats death when lightning strike sends tree crashing down

A lucky man was able to escape death after a lightning strike saw a tree crash on his car seconds after he moved.

It is wild enough to have a near-death experience but even more so to have that moment captured on camera.

Simon Somervail miraculously managed to escape with his life after a lightning strike caused a tree to come crashing down in the spot he had been in seconds before.

You can see the moment here:

Somervail, who is from the town of Mudgee, New South Wales in Australia, then shared the incredible video to his Instagram page earlier this week.

He even joked after his close encounter he would be going to buy a lottery ticket.

I mean, why not at this point?

The footage, which had been captured by the dashcam of the car behind him, shows Somervail open his car that is parked underneath a tree before realizing he'd forgotten his wallet.

He then left his car to go grab it quickly before a sudden lightning strike struck the tree, causing it to seemingly explode, leading it to come crashing down on his car.

After realizing what happened, Somervail stepped back into frame, seemingly stunned by what had just happened.

He spoke to Nine News about his near-death experience, saying: "I heard this crack, like an explosion, like nothing I've heard or felt before.

Australian man Simon Somervail managed to escape with his life after a lightning strike.

"I don't know if I would have been more injured being in the car or next to it - either way it wouldn't have been pretty."

According to the outlet, Somervail's car was then written off by insurers after his brief brush with death - with the pictures he took after showing just how much destruction had been done.

And social media users were also stunned by his good fortune, insisting that he was more than lucky to escape any harm.

“Omg Simon!! That is the craziest thing I’ve seen! How lucky are you. Looks like an insurance add haha,” one user wrote.

The dashcam from the car behind him managed to capture the whole thing.

“I still can’t believe it and was just telling someone about it this morning. You were meant for this world Simmo [sic] that is for sure,” added another.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe that is real…. So glad you’re ok! Definitely buy that lotto ticket!,” one Instagram user commented.

“Omg is this for real!!?????!!! I just saw the smashed car I didn’t know Simon was just moments from this happening,”said a final person.

“Holy s*** you lucky b****** that is really scary and I’m super stoked you are ok."

After such a lucky escape, I can’t help but assume that he probably will win big off that lottery ticket.

Though just to be on the safe side, it might be best to wait for completely clear skies to go cop the ticket.

Featured Image Credit: 9 News

Topics: News, World News, Australia

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