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Woman refuses to go on first date with man after he takes her to Cheesecake Factory

Woman refuses to go on first date with man after he takes her to Cheesecake Factory

The video has gone viral and sparked some debate on TikTok

A woman has gone viral after refusing to get out of the car on a first date when they arrived at The Cheesecake Factory.

The clip was re-shared to TikTok by Monique Santos who claimed that she wasn’t the woman in the video.

The TikTok has now been viewed over 2.8 million times, and viewers' reactions have been wild.

The woman can be seen sitting in the passenger seat of a car on a first date, but when they pull up outside of The Cheesecake Factory, she says it is ‘embarrassing’ and refuses to get out.

Her date can be heard saying in the background that he would get out of the car and come around to open her door, but as soon as he leaves, she decides she's not having any of it.

The video has gone viral on TikTok.

She goes as far as to lock the door so that he couldn’t get back inside, and shakes her head and finger at him from inside the car.

The woman then winds down the window and says: “This is The Cheesecake Factory.

“This is a chain restaurant.

“Who takes someone that looks like this to a chain restaurant?”

Despite filming the entire interaction, her sweet date was ready to get back in the car and discuss the situation.

He explains: “I went into the date with expectations for myself - to keep you safe, to respect you, to pay for your food, to pick you up - and just treat you like a gentleman.

“Which I believe I have done.

“I, on the other hand, have certain expectations for a girl I go out with on a first date.

“I expect her to be respectful too, I expect her to be cooperative.”

The man then reveals that the pair weren’t actually meant to be going to The Cheesecake Factory, but because the woman was an hour late getting ready for the date - while he was waiting downstairs - the reservation ran over and this was a backup.

The woman refused to get out of the car.

The woman then interrupts him, saying: “Isn't there another restaurant you can call that is equivalent to that?

“You don't understand - look at me.

“I cannot go into The Cheesecake Factory.

“I will die, that's embarrassing.”

The man ends the conversation by adding: “Maybe we are not right for each other so respectfully I'm going to just drop you off at home.”

The woman appears less than impressed with that suggestion, directing her attention back to the camera saying: "Ladies can you believe this?"

People rushed to the comments to congratulate the man on ‘dodging a bullet’.

One said: “She couldn’t even respect his time, and he was respectful, had an itinerary, was on time, AND STILL had this conversation with her… sir come get me!”

Another commented: "He's right for doing that. He communicated properly, was respectful, and knows his worth. I also love The Cheesecake Factory."

The woman has since spoken out about the viral video, saying she refused to get out the car because 'a queen doesn't do that'.

Featured Image Credit: Kevin Wesley/The TRUTH FACTory/Youtube

Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok, Viral