A man is suing Apple for $6 million after his wife found messages he sent to sex workers on their family iMac.
The anonymous middle-aged businessman, from England, is pursuing legal action against the tech company, claiming its 'lack of transparency' led to his marriage ending.
It seems as though taking accountability for your actions is something this man is not too familiar with.
Speaking to the Times, he admitted that in the final years of his marriage he turned to sex workers, and would contact them via the iMessage app.

There were also messages that went back several years, which he thought had been wiped.
He would ‘delete’ the messages but iCloud and Apple’s connecting devices feature got him caught out.
They were eventually discovered by his wife 'of over 20 years' when she went on the same app on the family iMac.
According to the news outlet, she filed for divorced within just a month.
In the interview, he said: “If you are told a message is deleted, you are entitled to believe it’s deleted.
“It’s all quite painful and quite raw still. It was a very brutal way of finding out [for my wife].
“My thoughts are if I had been able to talk to her rationally and she had not had such a brutal realization of it, I might still be married."
The man added: “In my opinion it’s all because Apple told me my messages were deleted when they weren’t.
“If the message had said, ‘These messages are deleted on this device’, that would have been a clue, or ‘These messages are deleted on this device only’ that would have been even better.”

Well, the man is pursuing legal action for more than £5 million ($6.3m), which he claims he lost in his divorce and through legal costs.
Simon Walton, who is representing the businessman, told the Telegraph: “Apple had not been clear with users as to what happens to messages they send and receive and, importantly, delete.”
“In many cases, the iPhone informs the user that messages have been deleted but, as we have seen, that isn’t true and is misleading because they are still found on other linked devices - something Apple doesn’t tell its users,” he added.
Taking on one of the biggest tech companies in the world is going to be a tough and expensive battle - and there is a good chance that his wife is not the only thing this guy is going to be losing.
UNILAD has contacted Apple for comment.
Topics: Apple, Technology, Sex and Relationships