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Woman broke world record by having sex with the most men in a day

Woman broke world record by having sex with the most men in a day

Lisa Sparks set the record some 20 years ago in 2004

There are many world records out there to try and smash, some more outlandish than others.

For example, we've seen a man set a record for most movies watched in theatres in one year.

However, this one woman's record is certainly on the different side of the spectrum.

Lisa Sparks broke the world record for having sex with the most men in a single day and people have been left shocked to find out how many it actually is.

The adult film star set the record back in 2004 at the Third Annual World Gangbang Championship. Yep, that really was a thing.

Sparks reportedly managed to bed 919 men at the event in Warsaw, Poland.

Lisa Sparks hold the record for having most sex with men in one day. (Instagram/@reallisasparxx
Lisa Sparks hold the record for having most sex with men in one day. (Instagram/@reallisasparxx

If you put that into perspective it's quite alarming, really. I mean some people might be exhausted after just one round in the bedroom, but 919? Well, that's some stamina.

Lisa bed the 919 men during a single day, as she went back-to-back and non-stop for the entirety of the day.

To be honest, it doesn't seem remotely possible - but the record very much stands.

Lisa explained how there were 'flutters' at the championship so that the men were ready to go when their time came up.

The adult star was said to be competing against two other women that day, ultimately beating her nearest competitor by 21 men.

Lisa spoke about the record on her website, something she now has mixed feelings looking back on.

The Polish government apparently found out about the event before it was due to take place and threatened to arrest anyone who was involved.

So, the event was subsequently held at a secret warehouse.

Lisa has some regret with the record now. (Instagram/@reallisasparxx)
Lisa has some regret with the record now. (Instagram/@reallisasparxx)

She wrote: "To be completely transparent with you all; this event is the one thing I regret doing in the 21+ years in the porn industry to this day.

"This was also the ONLY job I agreed to perform strictly for the money. Don't get me wrong, I love gangbangs and have done most of them with you all, my fans.

"However, this event was never anything I ever planned on and the entire event was a complete s**t-show."

Lisa added: "I was disappointed but was excited to fly home and not spend any time in a foreign jail. This event also appeared to get my Wikipedia page removed and to this day I am not sure why.

"I had the best Italian food of my life and it was in Poland of all places."

The previous record was set just one year prior, as one woman slept with 759 men during the 2003 Annual World Gangbang Championship.

Featured Image Credit: Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images / Instagram/@reallisasparxx

Topics: Sex and Relationships, World News