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Russian Journalist Calls For Eurovision To Be Nuked Following Ukraine's Win

Russian Journalist Calls For Eurovision To Be Nuked Following Ukraine's Win

A Russian journalist has suggested bombing Eurovision after Ukraine's win.

A Russian journalist has suggested bombing Eurovision after Ukraine's win.

On Saturday (14 May), at the Pala Olympic Arena in Turin, Italy, rap group Kalush Orchestra took home the crown for Ukraine at 2022's Eurovision song contest.

However, the win has been met with fierce backlash from Russian journalists.

One has even taken to Twitter to suggest blowing up the show.

Russian journalists have spoken out against Ukraine's Eurovision win.

Yuliya Vityazeva took to the social media platform to suggest Russia unleash one of its latest weapons on the contest.

The post read: [Translation] "Bomb it with a Satan missile."

The 'Satan missile' refers to the RS-28 Sarmat hypersonic nuclear-capable missile – known as the 'Satan-2' – that has a reaching time of '200 seconds'.

Following news of Finland and Sweden being set to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Russian's defence committee deputy chairman Aleksey Zhuravlyov warned the weapons could be used on Britain and the US.

Vityazeva's comments follow a Telegram post by a pro-Kremlin account called Fighter Bomber that appeared to show photographs of bombs with messages written on them mocking the winning speech given by Kalush Orchestra frontman Oleh Psiuk.

The bombs were reported as being headed for Mariupol.

The adviser to the city's mayor re-shared the images calling them 'inhuman'.

The message on the bomb reportedly reads: 'Just as you asked for, Kalusha! For Azovstal'.

A columnist named Vladimir Polupanov also spoke out against Ukraine's Eurovision win in an opinion piece published online in Moscow's AiF newspaper.

He called the contest 'fake' and 'boring politicised television'.

Polupanov stated the show 'smells badly of rotting swamp' and reflected that it produces very few 'big stars [...] with the exception of ABBA'.

Despite the criticism thrown at the singing contest by Russian journalists, Dr Ian Garner, historian, author and watcher of Russian war propaganda, noted the country really does care about the show's results given how 'desperate' it is to 'participate and win' each year.

He tweeted: "Russian media is having an absolute A+ toddler meltdown over Eurovision.

"AiF editorial: it's "all fake" and "boring". Claims Russia never sends its big stars and it doesn't matter, and it's all a fix so Ukraine can win anyway. In reality they always send their biggest stars, and they're always Kremlin approved.

"Anyone remember when Russia won with Dima Bilan and Olympic gold medal skater Plyushchenko (who's now a huge pro-Kremlin, pro-Orthodox shill)? Yeah, they definitely don't care."

Dr Garner noted how 'placing well is a big deal for the regime to "prove" it's popular abroad'.

"Tomorrow’s news in Russia: Ukraine wins: it’s fixed. Ukraine doesn’t win: look, the world agrees with us, Ukraine is bad!," he concluded.

Piers Morgan has echoed similar sentiments to the Russian journalists, calling Eurovision a 'rigged farce'.

However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stood strong in congratulating Kalush Orchestra. He also promised the country would do its 'best' to host the contest next year.

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information 

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Russia, Ukraine, Film and TV