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Putin Has Fired Eight Top Generals Since The War Began

Putin Has Fired Eight Top Generals Since The War Began

The Russian president is said to be unimpressed with the intelligence he received prior to the invasion of Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is said to have fired eight top generals in the two weeks since he sent forces across the border into Ukraine.

Ukrainian troops have made it clear they will not give up easily as Russia continues its invasion, with the country having been commended for its determination in defending itself in spite of Russia's continued advances.

The Russian President announced the 'special military operation' in Ukraine on February 24, though he is now said to be furious about having received inaccurate intelligence about Ukraine prior to the invasion.

This inaccurate intelligence is being blamed in part on the FSB, one of the intelligence agencies to follow the KGB, according to The Times, with investigative website editor Andrei Soldatov saying the organisation is 'not a competent' one.

Vladimir Putin. (Alamy)
Vladimir Putin. (Alamy)

Soldatov is the co-founder of Agentura, a website which has monitored the Russian secret services for more than 20 years.

Commenting on the FSB's offerings before the invasion, Soldatov said: 'The final reports that they produced on the situation on the ground in the run-up to the invasion were simply not right, which is part of the reason as to why things have gone so badly for Russia.'

The FSB reportedly offered up 'terribly miscalculated' assessments of support for a Russian invasion from Ukrainians and about the amount the country would resist an attack, though Soldatov noted that the FSB may have actually gathered 'very good' intelligence, but were conscious of telling Putin 'what he doesn't want to hear', prompting the agency to 'tailor their information'.

Whether tailored or not, it seems Putin is not impressed with the way the invasion is unfolding as Oleksiy Danilov, head of Ukraine's security council, claimed eight Russian commanders have been fired since troops first crossed the border and Russia began to experience heavy losses.

It has been claimed Putin has fired eight commanders since the invasion of Ukraine began.  (Alamy)
It has been claimed Putin has fired eight commanders since the invasion of Ukraine began. (Alamy)

Danilov claimed Putin had expected the capital city of Kyiv to fall within two to three days, Metro reports, though two weeks after he first announced the invasion the capital city still remains in the hands of Ukraine.

Speaking of Putin's hopes to take the city, Danilov said: 'It hasn’t happened and never will.'

The security head described Moscow as 'desperate' and claimed that changing leadership was its way of switching to a 'different tactic', telling state TV: 'They had about 8 generals removed from their posts because they did not complete the task.'

Prior to his reign as president, Putin acted as director of the FSB from 1998-99, overseeing its responsibilities which include everything from counterterrorism to border security.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, Russia, Politics