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Boy who saved his little sister from being abducted with his toy slingshot speaks out

Boy who saved his little sister from being abducted with his toy slingshot speaks out

A 13-year-old boy who saved his little sister from being kidnapped by firing a slingshot at her attacker has spoken out.

A 13-year-old boy who saved his little sister from being kidnapped by firing a slingshot at her attacker has spoken out.

Last week on 10 May, an attempted abduction took place in Alpena Township, northern Michigan.

An eight-year-old girl was nearly snatched from the woods while hunting for mushrooms, but thankfully, her 13-year-old brother heard her screams and rushed out to save her, armed with his slingshot.

Appearing on Good Morning America, 13-year-old Owen Burns explained he 'doesn't actually use his slingshot much' but 'when it counted he hit his target'.

Recalling the moment he knew his sister was in danger after hearing her screams outside, Owen said: "Her mouth was closed and he was hugging her on his chest. My sister kicked him and he starts running after her."

Owen wasted no time taking action against the predator, grabbing his slingshot and firing a rock and then a marble.

It was Owen's bravery and good aim which led to the attempted kidnapper being struck in the face and chest.

"He was mad, he started cussing. I hit him again, he starts running away," Owen said.

After scaring off his sister's attacker, Owen and his sister called their mom, Margaret Burns, who recalls how she was driving home from work and could just hear her daughter 'screaming and crying'.

"The only word I could work out in the whole conversation was kidnap," she noted.

It was also thanks to Owen police were able to locate the suspected attempted kidnapper at a gas station nearby.

Owen Burns saved his sister from being abducted by scaring off the predator with a slingshot.

The 17-year-old alleged attacker reportedly confessed and is now being held in prison in the juvenile section of the facility, facing one count of assault and battery, one count of attempted assault to do great bodily harm and one count of attempted kidnapping/ child enticement.

Lt John Grimshaw said: "What he [Owen] did helped us identify who the suspect was because obviously he had injuries from getting hit with a slingshot.

"To see that and to pop into action that quickly is extraordinary and he should be commended for it."

Owen's uncle took to social media to raise awareness of the dangers of kidnapping as well as to praise his nephew's quick action.

The post reads: "Our kids are too precious to let somebody try to take them when your kids are outside paying, we really need to pay attention to what they're doing and who's around them I'm very proud of my nephew and I know my niece's traumatized and I'm sending prayers for her they had to be extremely scary for her."

Police have praised Owen's quick-thinking and bravery as 'extraordinary'.

Lt Grimshaw also gave some advice from police to kids on how to act if they ever have to face a similar situation. "Fight, fight, do everything you can bite the hand that's hold in your that has one hand over your mouth.

"If that's the case, stomp on their feet, kick them in the shin, do whatever you can to fight."

But hopefully, if another attempted kidnapping is to take place, everyone will have a hero like Owen to keep them safe.

The big brother resolved: "If it does happen again, I'll do it again."

Featured Image Credit: ABC

Topics: US News, Crime, True crime, Social Media