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Influencer who transitioned into Korean woman is now transitioning back to British man

Influencer who transitioned into Korean woman is now transitioning back to British man

A social media influencer who transitioned into a Korean woman earlier this year is now transitioning back into a man

A British influencer who transitioned to a Korean woman earlier this year has done a U-turn by now transitioning back to a British man, admitting it was a 'big mistake'.

In May this year, social media influencer Oli London made the headlines for coming out as a Korean transgender woman, just two years after saying he identifies as 'transracial' and four years since undergoing major surgery costing in the region of $88,000.

In October 2018, when the news of London's surgery spending hit social media, he was hit with huge backlash after spending the money on 15 surgeries to look Korean.

Oli London (right) spent a lot of money to look Korean.
WENN Rights Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

Over the past eight years, London has forked out a staggering $271,000 on several surgeries.

However, London admitted that following the transition he felt at peace with his identity after struggling with it for eight years - but he has now done a complete U-turn.

Back in October, the influencer took to Twitter saying: "I am no longer trans and have gone back to living as a man."

Now, London has admitted that identifying as a 'transracial' was a mistake and will now be transitioning back to a British man.

Speaking on Friday (11 November) to Tucker Carlson on Fox News, London said: "'I realize that was a big mistake and I just want to be a boy.

"But is it any wonder people like me and young people want to change their gender when we have normalization of this in our schools in this country?

"Children are taught from a young age, from the age of five in some cases, that it's okay to change their gender, it's okay to wear a skirt, it's okay for a boy to use the gender neutral toilet when it puts girls at risk."

London then continued to criticise the school system and also laid blame on the so-called American culture wars over gender, adding that the idea of 'the alpha male' has been 'eroded' throughout the country.

Oli London was critical of the school system in the interview.
Fox News

He said: "This is the new norm and schools are teaching about toxic masculinity, they're eroding the alpha male.

"The alpha straight male has been eroded.

"What happened years ago when kids used to idolize Superman and astronauts. Now kids are being pushed by this radical ideology.

"They're taught to idolize weak men like Harry Styles. Weak men like Beto O'Rourke."

London said he started identifying as Korean after he spent a year living in South Korea in 2003 when he instantly fell in love with the culture.

Featured Image Credit: LONDONOLI/INSTAGRAM

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