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McDonald's worker shot by disgruntled customer who was served 'cold fries'

McDonald's worker shot by disgruntled customer who was served 'cold fries'

The incident took place at one of the franchise's restaurants in New York City

A 20-year-old man has been charged after a McDonald's worker was shot in a New York branch of the restaurant.

The incident occurred at a restaurant in Brooklyn, as 23-year-old Matthew Webb argued with a female customer over the food served to her at 7:00pm on Monday evening, according to a statement from the New York City Police Department.

Webb was subsequently shot in the neck by the customer, who was allegedly disgruntled after his mum was served 'cold' french fries.

The woman was said to be on a video call with her son during the argument, as he reportedly entered the restaurant and started a fight with Webb.

“The mum complained that her fries were cold,’’ a police source told the New York Post. “The mum was on FaceTime with her son, and he heard the dispute between her and the clerk. The son and the clerk got into a dispute inside, and it went outside.”

It was at that point when the customer’s son allegedly shot the McDonald’s employee with a 9mm handgun.

Robert Evans/Alamy Stock Photo

Webb is currently at Brookdale Hospital recovering from his injuries, and is reportedly in a critical condition.

Michael Morgan was arrested by police at the scene before being charged with attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

Meanwhile, Morgan’s 18-year-old girlfriend Camellia Dunlap was charged with two counts of criminal possession.

Morgan's mother, 40-year-old Lisa Fulmore, said: “My son is just saying that he gotta do what he gotta do and the [victim] came after him and whatever happened, happened.

“The fries were cold. I asked the girl to change the french fries because the fries was cold. She went to the french fry machine for maybe 10 seconds and brought back fries, so I thought they was new fries, so I had left.

“So, I taste the fries, and after I got to the third one, it was a cold fry still. So, I went back to take the food back.

“I asked her, ‘Why would you give me the same fries and just put one or two on top to make me think that you gave me new fries?’ She started laughing, and all of them started laughing, acting like it’s funny,’’ Fulmore said.

“This is when I was on the phone with my son. I was like, ‘They in this McDonald’s playing with me.’ I was like, I got kids their age, I’m not going to sit here and keep arguing with these little kids.

“The next thing you know, maybe like 10 minutes later, you hear a gunshot,” Fulmore said. “So, I ran to the door. I said, ‘Who’s shooting?’”, to which Fulmore said someone replied: “Your son.”

"I looked, and I [see] a boy on the ground, and then I saw my son running the other way. I called 911, and then I sat there and waited," she said.

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Featured Image Credit: RidingMetaphor / Alamy

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