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Man Uses Forklift To Stop Car Thief

Man Uses Forklift To Stop Car Thief

A quick-thinking man went to new heights to stop a woman from swiping his car

A quick-thinking man over in Australia came up with a rather unusual method of stopping a car thief in her tracks.

After spotting the woman making a sweep for his car, Brendon Mills used his very own forklift to lift her and his vehicle off the ground, leaving her stranded in mid-air as he waited for the cops to arrive.

As reported by 7News, the 24-year-old woman was spotted breaking into Brendon's home in Waterford West earlier this month where she had a shower and took some clothes before moving onto his red Volkswagen Polo.

But shortly before making her getaway, Brendon and his family returned home and he sprung into action in order to 'keep my family safe'.

Speaking to the outlet's Sunrise breakfast show, he said: "We’d just came home from an outing and it all unfolded in front of us so fast.

"We saw the car door shut on the car, the car started rolling and we thought, 'Well, that means someone is in the car who shouldn’t be in the car.'

"I gave the person plenty of opportunity to get out and they didn’t want to get out, they didn’t want a part of that, so I said, 'Well ok, you want to play it that way, I’ve got an alternative option here.'

"I went over, got the key to the forklift and picked the car up."

The car remained suspended until the police arrived.

He added: "My family were standing by watching the whole thing unfold, so you can’t do anything too silly.

"You had this immense amount of adrenaline running through the system, lots of thoughts cross your mind... I just went, ‘Well, there’s a forklift sitting there - why not?'"

Brendon, who works in the automotive industry, kept the woman and his car suspended, only lowering the vehicle once the officers turned up.

She was swiftly arrested and charged with burglary and unlawful use of a motor vehicle, and was granted bail before appearing in court next month.

Dozens of people have commented on the unusual incident, with one writing: "Nice to see a quick thinking man turn the tables on this would be thief, pity not everybody owns or has a forklift on their premises."

Brendon Mills said he had to act fast to keep his family safe.

"You have the right to remain lifted," quipped another, while a third commented, "I found this story.... uplifting."

Others were sympathetic towards the woman, including this person who said: "For women to end up like this just sad, I can see her life going downhill from there.

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Featured Image Credit: 7News

Topics: Crime, Australia, Cars