A pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays has found himself at the center of a social media firestorm after he kicked off at an airline because his wife was asked to clean up after their own children.
Anthony Bass took to social media to roast United Airlines after he says flight attendants 'made' his wife get 'on her hands and knees' to clean up after their two daughters on a plane, who had dropped handfuls of popcorn underneath their seats.
"The [United] flight attendant just made my 22 week pregnant wife, traveling with a five-year-old and two-year-old, get on her hands and knees to pick up the popcorn mess by my youngest daughter," he wrote on Twitter.
He added: "Are you kidding me?!?!"
While Bass was undoubtedly looking for support, very few saw his side of things.
One user said: "Genuinely curious who should clean up the mess your two-year-old made? As a parent of three kids I am the one responsible for them."
To which Bass replied: "The cleaning crew they hire!"
Most airlines do not have cleaning crews who detail planes in between flights, with flight attendants - who are on board for the safety of passengers - spot clean during quick turnarounds.
A second person on Twitter added: "I have three kids, just flew coach 12 hours, and was able to clean up after them - for every mess. It’s called parenting. Do you expect park janitors to clean up after your pet? No; Your child, your responsibility."
While another commented: "You are responsible for your children and shouldn’t expect a crew to pick up after you or your family’s mess. I would instantly pick up for my kids in that situation."
Others slammed the pitcher for his sense of 'entitlement'.
Some suggested the incident 'could’ve been a teaching moment', with his wife encouraging his children to clean up after themselves.
Bass followed up his tweet with another, claiming that 'United Airlines is taking care of matters with the flight attendant internally'.
And that didn't go down well, either.
One person pointed out his behavior does not reflect the religious values he usually attempts to project about himself.
They said: "So you are putting someone’s job at risk because you don’t want to clean up after your own kids? Super 'Christian' of you."
Another commented: "You're going to get someone fired because your family can't control your kids and is unwilling to clean up after them when they throw things on the ground. Congratulations, this is the person you've become."
But Bass doesn't appear to care what others think about him or his family's consideration for others.
Instead, he responded to his haters with another tweet.
He shared an image of his daughter, the one who made the mess on the plane, holding a bag of popcorn.
United Airlines and Anthony Bass were contacted for comment.
Topics: Sport, Baseball, Social Media, Twitter, US News