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More Than 300,000 People Sign Petition To Impeach US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

More Than 300,000 People Sign Petition To Impeach US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

The petition accuses the Justice of using his position of power to further 'a right-wing agenda'.

A petition calling on Justice Clarence Thomas to stand down from the bench of the US Supreme Court has hit more than 300,000 signatures.

The petition was organised by US policy advocacy group MoveOn after Thomas was the only judge to vote in favour of blocking an investigation into Donald Trump's involvement in the Capitol attack.

The petition does not mention the Supreme Court's recent ruling on abortion rights.

MoveOn claims in the petition that the Thomas has a 'long history of conflicts of interest' and uses his position of power to further 'a right-wing agenda'.

Matt May / Alamy Stock Photo

"Recently, Justice Clarence Thomas voted against a Supreme Court decision to compel the release of Donald Trump's records regarding the January 6 insurrection and attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election," the petition reads.

"It has become clear that his wife ... was actively urging the White House to overturn election results both leading up to January 6 and after the deadly insurrection."

"He must resign - or Congress must immediately investigate and impeach."

Thomas was one of the justices who voted to repeal national abortion legislation in the US last week.

He also has previously voted to overturn the precedent in 1992.

When that failed, Thomas repeatedly called for the legislation to be thrown out, CBS reports.

Although the petition does not refer to the Supreme Court's recent decision on abortion rights, people are still using it as a platform to criticise the Supreme Court Justice.

Mark Kanning / Alamy Stock Photo

One user said: "We should be able to make our own choices about our own bodies if people can have the right to choose what sex they want to be we should have the right to choose if we want children or not."

A second added: "This man is wanting to remove the rights of millions of Americans."

While a third commented: "Clarence and [his wife] Ginni Thomas are a danger to our freedoms."

The petition has been signed by 324,000 people at time of writing.

Featured Image Credit: Matt May / Alamy Stock Photo. Crush Rush / Alamy Stock Photo.

Topics: US News, Politics