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Kanye West sparks outrage for telling Jewish people to forgive Adolf Hitler and ‘let it go’

Kanye West sparks outrage for telling Jewish people to forgive Adolf Hitler and ‘let it go’

Apparently the death of six million Jewish people is something you can just get over.

Kanye West reckons that Jewish people just need to forgive and forget the Holocaust and Adolf Hitler.

In a new interview with Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, the disgraced rapper lashed out at Jewish people for struggling to move on from what happened when Hitler killed six million Jews.

"You can’t force your pain on everyone else," the 45-year-old told the fascist group leader.

"Jewish people, forgive Hitler today."

He went on to add: "Jewish people can’t tell me who I can love and who I can’t love."

The rapper who now likes to be called ‘Ye’ then claimed that it was the Jews who actually gave the Nazi leader a bad reputation because ‘they were upset that Hitler was kicking them out of the country’.

The controversial musician also compared the Holocaust to terminating an unborn child.

“The Holocaust is not the only holocaust. So for them to take that and claim when we have abortions right now. That's eugenics. That's genocide. That's a holocaust that we're dealing with right now."

The comments have sparked outrage from Jewish and antisemitism groups.

One social media user said: "Kanye, you are so pathetic."

Another added: "That’s not how Judaism works (that’s not how any of this works)."

A third lashed out: "There is NO WAY I will forgive a man who wanted to wipe out my people. Nor will I forgive Kanye West who has turned hatred against my people into something acceptable for society."

West's comments came after his Infowars interview with Alex Jones, who suggested that West had been 'demonised' in the press following a string of antisemitic remarks.

He added that it was unfair for West to be compared to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis.

But, with a balaclava completely covering his face, West interrupted Jones and suggested he sees 'good things about Hitler'.

West said: "I love everyone, and Jewish people are not gonna tell me… ‘You can love us, and you can love what we’re doing to you with the contracts, and you can love what we’re pushing with the pornography.’

"But this guy that invented highways, invented the very microphone that I use as a musician—you can’t say out loud that this person ever did anything good, and I’m done with that.

"I’m done with the classifications, every human being has something of value that they brought to the table. Especially Hitler."

After his comments, Jones took back control of the show but before he went to an advert break, West blurted out 'I like Hitler' as the screen faded.

Featured Image Credit: Censored.TV/Twitter. Sipa US/Alamy.

Topics: Kanye West, World War 2, World News, US News