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Joe Biden Accidentally Shows Off Very Specific Instructions That Tell Him What To Do

Joe Biden Accidentally Shows Off Very Specific Instructions That Tell Him What To Do

The note gave him a detailed breakdown of what to do and say during the meeting

United States President Joe Biden appeared to accidentally share a list of very detailed and specific instructions about what he should do during a meeting at the White House. 

The 79-year-old took part in a meeting with wind executives yesterday (23 June), where he inadvertently flashed the ‘cheat sheet’ to photographers. 

The detailed list told him when to sit down, how long to speak for, a reminder to thank participants and even told him to depart at the end, the New York Post reports


The sheet, which was titled Offshore Wind Drop-By Sequence of Events, referred to Biden as ‘YOU’ in capital letters and included instructions such as: 'YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants', 'YOU take YOUR seat', 'YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question' and 'YOU thank participants'.

It also told him how to long to speak for, before ending by telling the president to depart. 

This isn’t the first time the POTUS has accidentally shared too much with the cameras. Last summer, eagle-eyed reporters were able to spot a note handed to Biden by an aide that told him he had something on his face. 

Biden was in a meeting with governors and officials when one of his aides passed him a piece of paper with the handwritten message: "Sir, there is something on your chin.”


Footage of the incident showed that shortly after being handed the note, Biden swiftly wiped his chin and inspected his hand to see what was there. 

Earlier this week, Biden took a tumble off his bicycle, but was fortunately unharmed in the incident. 

Biden and first lady Jill Biden were having a morning cycle as the president decided to pedal towards a crowd of reporters standing by the bike trail near Cape Henlopen State Park.

As he stopped the bike to get off, he got his foot caught in the pedal and instantly took a bit of a fall. 

Shortly after his fall, he insisted to reporters that he was not hurt.

He appeared to have said: “I’m good,” after US Secret Service agents quickly helped him up. 

A close look at viral footage of the incident appeared to show Biden managing to get his foot caught in one of the cages on the pedals. 

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: US News, Politics, Joe Biden