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JK Rowling Tricked Into Thinking She's On Zoom Call With President Zelenskyy

JK Rowling Tricked Into Thinking She's On Zoom Call With President Zelenskyy

JK Rowling was tricked into thinking she was taking part in a Zoom call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy by Russian pranksters

JK Rowling was tricked into thinking she was taking part in a Zoom call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy by two Russian pranksters. 

The Harry Potter author had agreed to take part in the call to discuss her charitable work in Ukraine, unaware she was being pranked by Russian duo Vovan and Lexus.

Rowling is seemingly unaware that the 12-minute call – first picked up on by The Rowling Library on 23 June – was being recorded and kept her camera on.

JK Rowling.

Taking notes while sitting in what appeared to be her living room, Rowling was asked about topics including Russian sanctions and her world-famous book series. 

At one point, the Zelenskyy impersonators ask Rowling about imposing sanctions on Fantastic Beasts actor Aleksandr Kuznetsov, to which she replied: “Fantastic Beasts has been a very interesting experience. I’ll certainly talk to people and see what we can do.”

Vovan and Lexus also told Rowling that Harry Potter’s lightning bolt shaped scar looks similar to a symbol Russians use on military vehicles. They then ask Rowling whether Harry’s scar could instead be changed to the Ukrainian trident.

Eventually, the duo turned their camera on, revealing a group of people wearing purple T-shirts stamped with the words ‘only Putin’.

Rowling responded: “I will look at that. It might be good for me to do something with that myself on social media, because I think that will get into the newspapers.”

Vovan and Lexus also told Rowling they were scrawling ‘Avada Kedavra’ on Ukrainian missiles. In the Harry Potter books, the spell is used as a killing curse by Voldemort against Harry.

Elsewhere, Vovan and Lexus awkwardly quizzed Rowling about Boris Johnson’s gender and whether or not Dumbledore is actually gay.

Eventually, the duo turned their camera on, revealing a group of people wearing purple T-shirts stamped with the words ‘only Putin’ in Russian before revealing to Rowling she was speaking to Vovan and Lexus.

Rowling thought she was talking to Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rowling’s representatives told UNILAD: “We can confirm that J.K. Rowling was a victim of a distasteful hoax video call by Russian pranksters, Vovan and Lexus, posing on camera as Ukraine’s President Zelensky.

 “J.K. Rowling was approached to talk about her extensive charitable work in Ukraine, supporting children and families who have been affected by the current conflict in the region.

“The video, which has been edited, is a distorted representation of the conversation.”

The Independent reports that Rowling may have been targeted by the pranksters over her support for Ukraine.

Earlier this year, the world-famous author’s Lumos Foundation launched an emergency appeal to help children trapped in Ukrainian orphanages, and Rowling said she’d match donations up to £1 million. 

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information 

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock

Topics: JK Rowling, Harry Potter, Ukraine, Russia