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Man Creates Ice Snake Sculpture Realistic Enough To 'Give Someone A Heart Attack'

Man Creates Ice Snake Sculpture Realistic Enough To 'Give Someone A Heart Attack'

An ice sculpture of a snake realistic enough to 'give someone a heart attack' is more beautiful than it sounds.

A man has made a giant ice sculpture of a snake so realistic that it could 'give someone a heart attack'.

When it comes to cool and impressive pieces of art it quite literally doesn't get much cooler than a giant sculpture made out of ice.

This piece of art is the work of one lone individual (@gaolaoyao3899 on Douyin) who sculpted the giant reptile out of ice using little more than a few tools and plenty of talent.

They painstakingly carved out every single detail of the snake right down to the last little scale and it's so incredibly realistic that you'd almost swear it was staring at you with malicious intent.

The thing is, the sculpture is so realistic that it might just give anyone deathly afraid of snakes a heart attack.

Imagine going out and taking a moment to admire the snowy landscape before your eyes fall on an absolutely heckin' massive snake coiled up and hiding just out of the way.

With every single scale of its snaky skin perfectly detailed it'd be the sort of sculpture which could trick you for a moment until you went over to check that what you feared was a giant snake was actually just an ice sculpture of one.

Even a snake wouldn't be able to tell the sculpture apart from the real thing. (Pixabay)
Even a snake wouldn't be able to tell the sculpture apart from the real thing. (Pixabay)

If anything, that's just a testament to how amazing the snake looks, though how long the sculpture will survive as winter winds down and temperatures rise is unclear.

Luckily, the video of the snake sculpture being made means this piece of artwork has been immortalised online and people will be able to appreciate it long after it has melted away.

@veinsart on Instagram is also host to other impressive works of art such as someone sketching a picture of a dog using a dirty car as a canvas, incredible cake art and the ever-satisfying video of bus stop road markings being painted out.

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Featured Image Credit: Douyin/gaolaoyao3899

Topics: Instagram, Art