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Hollywood stars mock Donald Trump after former US President was formally arrested and charged

Hollywood stars mock Donald Trump after former US President was formally arrested and charged

Community actor Yvette Nicole Brown tweeted 'no one is above the law' after the former US President's arrest.

A string of Hollywood celebrities have taken to social media to celebrate former US President Donald Trump's arrest.

Trump was arrested on 34 felony charges, to which he pleaded not guilty, after allegedly paying a porn star thousands of dollars in hush money.

The specific crimes the ex-POTUS has been charged with are currently under seal, and so have not been made available to the public.

But that hasn't stopped those over on the west coast of the US taking to social media to mark the occasion after what happened over on the USA's east coast on Tuesday (April 4).

Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel didn't skip a beat, jumping on the chance to make fun of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Kimmel tweeted a photo of Kushner with the caption: "When all your dads end up in jail."


For the record, Kushner’s real dad, real estate developer and disbarred attorney Charles Kushner, was sentenced to two years in jail in the early 2000s.

He was imprisoned for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.

Oof, that one has got to sting.

Community actor Yvette Nicole Brown shared her glee over Trump's arrest, writing a tweet that emulated the former US President's odd style of bizarre capitalization for emphasis.

"Ain’t it GRAND! Thank you Manhattan DA! Thank you NYC! Gotta say it’s *chef’s kiss* that he’s been arrested in NEW YORK, the city he thought he OWNED," she wrote.

"We are ALL laughing at you Donald Trump and it isn’t a sad day. It’s a GLORIOUS day that proves NO ONE is above the law."

Singer and television personality Tamar Braxton posed a mocking question about Trump on Twitter, using one of the former President's favorite phrases against him.

She asked: "So if Trump is arrested does that now mean he’s a 'thug' too?"

Animal Kingdom actor Ellen Barkin also took to Twitter to share her glee.

"Trump under arrest at New York criminal court. I just wanted to write it…UNDER ARREST IN NYC."

Hollywood stars are really loving the irony of Trump being arrested in his hometown.

Anyway, George Takei kept it simple, tweeting: "Poor baby."

Meanwhile, actor and comedian Michael Rapaport had his eyes set on another Republican, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

In another post emulating Trump's odd posting style, he wrote: "We just ran this Infected Animal out of NYC!!!!"

Accompanying the caption was a video of Greene seen fleeing the scene as furious New Yorkers could be seen rushing at her while screaming at her to get out of their city.

One person could be heard calling her a 'racist f*****g animal' as she is ushered through the crowds by her security team and police.


Seems like the people of New York and the stars of Hollywood are out for blood today.

Featured Image Credit: ALAMY

Topics: Celebrity, Donald Trump, News, US News, Crime