A doctor has revealed that there may be one alcoholic drink that is 'healthier' than others, and it's backed by science.
Never did we see a day coming where a doctor would brand one alcoholic drink 'healthier' than another.
Although when is comes to health in general, I think we can establish that we're always better with a glass of water over anything else.
But gastroenterologist Dr. Saurabh Sethi, based in California, has suggested the 'healthiest choice' of beverage for those who like a drink or two.

Whilst the doctor explained that no amount of alcohol is 'good' for you health at all, his top pick is made of 'agave plant', which is low in both sugar and carbs.
Researchers have also found that the spirit is non-digestible - meaning it doesn't raise blood sugar levels as much as other booze.
The answer you're looking for?
It's tequila! And it's naturally gluten-free - so it's a double win for those with an intolerance!
To get slightly complicated for a second, agave contains compounds such as fructans and fructooligosaccharides, which function as prebiotics and promote healthy gut microbiota - improving digestion.

One of the main reasons that alcohol is bad for our bodies, is that it is broken down into a toxin that damages DNA, and also prevents it from being repaired.
Despite tequila still triggering this process, it is believed to be much slower, which may just help ease the hangover slightly in the morning.
Speaking to the New York Post, Dr Sethi said: "Tequila is metabolised into acetaldehyde at a slower rate than other alcoholic beverages. This slower metabolism may explain why some people report fewer hangovers with tequila.”
However, there is a catch.
The expert added: "These benefits apply only to one hundred percent agave tequila. Mixing tequila with sugary drinks negates potential advantages."

So the secret is actually a shot - which we never thought would be an encouraged option!
Compared to a shot of vodka, which is 96 calories, tequila is much less at just 64 calories.
But despite encouraging this 'healthier' alcoholic option, the expert of course warned that any consumption should be moderate.
He said: "The healthiest option is to avoid alcohol as much as possible."
What a way to go and burst the bubble!
Topics: Alcohol, Food and Drink, Health