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Haunting Image Shows Word 'Children' Written Outside Theatre Bombed By Russia

Haunting Image Shows Word 'Children' Written Outside Theatre Bombed By Russia

Women and their newborn babies had been hiding inside the theatre as Russian troops laid siege to Mariupol

A haunting image has been shared of a Ukrainian theatre before it was bombed by Russian forces.

In the three weeks since Vladimir Putin declared war on the neighbouring country, thousands have lost their lives.

And despite claims that Russian forces are only targeting the Ukrainian military, images have been shared on social media of hospitals being bombed out and rockets obliterating housing blocks.

Just last week, footage emerged of heavily pregnant women being ushered out of a charred maternity ward in Mariupol.

A now, in the same city, a theatre has been destroyed following an air strike.

Satellite images taken on Monday (14 March) by the US firm Maxar showed the Russian word for 'children' written outside the building in huge letters to deter enemy attack.

The Russian word for 'children' was written to try and deter an attack.

However, a rescue mission is now underway to save those trapped beneath the rubble following a brutal assault on Wednesday (16 March).

Harrowing video footage of the aftermath of the attack showed thick black smoke billowing from the theatre's charred ruins, the roof having been destroyed.

Kate, had been hiding in the theatre for 10 days with her 17-year-old son.

The 38-year-old told the BBC how mothers had taken their newborn babies there, huddling in small rooms and corridors, thinking it would be safe.

She said: "In the beginning, it was really tough, because we didn't have a well-organised food supply. So on the first two days, adults didn't have any food.

"We gave food only to the children."

Housing blocks and hospitals in Ukraine have been targeted by Russian forces.

Mariupol has been hammered by constant bombardment from Russian forces, which have surrounded the city.

Luckily, Kate and her son managed to get into one of the 2,000 cars that escaped the city the day before the theatre was hit.

"We jumped in a car while the theatre and the area were being shelled," Kate said.

"We asked to go with them, because we didn't have our own [car]."

Earlier today, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a powerful message, urging Russian troops to open their eyes to the death and destruction they're causing.

He also had a message of admiration for those were protesting the war in Russia on home soil despite the threat of arrest.

In a video posted to Twitter, the actor said: "The world has seen your bravery. We know that you have suffered the consequences of your courage. You have been arrested. You have been jailed. And you have been beaten.

"You are my new heroes."

Featured Image Credit: Maxar/Shutterstock

Topics: Russia, Ukraine, Politics