At least 40 Russian soldiers have been injured after a goat set off one of their boobytraps in Ukraine.
Russian soldiers were setting up the trap around a hospital in Zaporizhzhia, a city in south-east Ukraine.
However, their plans were foiled by a pesky goat whose 'chaotic movements' triggered the trap.

Ukraine's Chief Intelligence Directorate said Russian soldiers had pinned grenades in a 'circular defence' around the edge of a local hospital.
However, soon after the trap was laid down, the goat – who had escaped from the village of Kinski Rozdory – set off one of the grenades and caused a chain reaction of explosions.
Defence Intelligence stated: "As a result of the goat’s ‘chaotic’ movements, the animal ‘disposed of’ several grenades.
"As a result of a chain reaction, several (Russians) sustained injuries of varying degrees of severity."
While it is anticipated that at least 40 Russian soldiers were injured by the boobytraps being set off, it has not yet been ascertained what happened to the goat.
It also hasn't been established whether the goat deliberately triggered the boobytraps or stumbled upon them by accident.
Either way, her legacy lives on.
The animal has since been hailed the 'Goat of Kyiv' on social media.
The title plays on the Ghost of Kyiv – a mythical heroic pilot who, according to legend, shot down multiple Russian planes when they were attacking Ukraine's capital.
It's not just the 'Goat of Kyiv' who has got a name for herself either.
A Jack Russell terrier named Patron has also hit headlines for helping sniff out more than 200 explosives during the invasion.
At a news conference in Kyiv with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy honoured the dog for his bravery.
Zelenskyy said: "I want to award those Ukrainian heroes who are already clearing our land of mines.
"And together with our heroes, a wonderful little sapper – Patron – who helps not only to neutralise explosives but also to teach our children the necessary safety rules in areas where there is a mine threat."
Since Russian President Vladimir Putin first sent troops across the border on 24 February, Russian forces have managed to take over at least 60 percent of Zaporizhzhia Oblast (Province).
They have been pushing for control of the city since having taken over Mariupol and Kherson.
However, the Kremlin's forces struggled in the first few days of the invasion, with it being suggested by military intelligence that Putin had 'overestimated' the capabilities of his army.
Well, one thing's for sure, is the Russian president certainly underestimated the capabilities of one particular Ukrainian nanny goat.
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