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Police investigating mystery of man who was found dead surrounded by sex toys

Police investigating mystery of man who was found dead surrounded by sex toys

The body of the 43-year-old IT specialist from Paris was discovered in his apartment last week

An investigation has been launched into the mysterious death of a man in France, after his body was discovered surrounded by sex toys.

Firefighters were called to the man's apartment in the Courbevoie area of Paris, where they found him naked on his bed, with a plastic bag on his head and his legs tied together, according to reports.

The alarm was initially raised when the 43-year-old IT executive didn't show up for work last week, promoting concern from colleagues.

Curiously, there does not appear to have been a struggle inside the flat, with reports indicating that there was also no evidence of a break in.

The 43-year-old was discovered at his flat in the Courbevoie region of Paris.
Google Maps

"According to our information, the door to the accommodation, when the emergency services arrived, was firmly closed but not locked," a source told Le Parisien.

They added: "For the moment, nothing in this case indicates that there was the intervention of a third party."

Local outlets add that the flat in question was in 'shocking condition' when the victim was discovered, leading the authorities to believe that he may not have been alone prior to his death.

An investigation was opened last week (26 August) by the deputy public prosecutor for Nanterre, who will attempt to get to the bottom of this bizarre and tragic mystery.

For the time being, the cause remains unknown until the police receive the results of his autopsy, as well as the toxicological examinations.

The cause of the man's death remains unknown.
blue light images / Alamy Stock Photo

"According to initial findings, the victim's body bore no traces of blows," a source close to the case told Le Parisien. 

In other European news, Spain has officially passed a new law aimed at addressing the issue of consent in the bedroom.

Dubbed the 'only yes means yes' law, sexual consent must now be explicit and not merely assumed.

The law does not require consent to sexual acts to be expressed verbally, but it does say that 'there is consent when it has been freely expressed through acts that, in view of the circumstances of the case, clearly express the will of the person.'

Speaking on the decision, equality minister Irene Montero said: “It’s a victorious day after many years of struggle. From now on no woman will have to prove that violence or intimidation was used for it to be recognised for what it is.”

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Topics: Crime, France, World News