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Experts reveal what the fuzzy stuff that grows on peaches actually is

Experts reveal what the fuzzy stuff that grows on peaches actually is

Whether you get your peaches out in Georgia or not, they all have a fuzzy layer

We all love a juicy fruit, but sometimes it’s the outer layer that puts you off. Especially if you don’t quite know what it is.

Let’s look at a peach for example.

Whether you get your peaches out in Georgia or the local supermarket, they all share one common trait.

This sweet and juicy thing is one of the most favoured fruits around, but what is going on with its fuzz?

Well, that mystery can be put to bed as now we know what it’s for.

According to experts, it’s an evolutionary trait that serves a specific purpose.


The fuzzy surface is used to repel insects from wanting to have a nibble and lay their eggs inside.

This pretty smart defence mechanism work by preventing small insects from landing on the fruit’s surface, creating a pesky barrier between their legs and its flesh. The microscopic hair filaments don’t just work to repel bugs though, they might even turn against humans.

This is because peach allergies do not have to be towards the insides and can occur due to this fuzz or the skin.

So, if you have an intolerance to the component rPru p 3, you might be able to chow down on some skinless peach but be wary of the fuzz as it has the ability to cause severe anaphylactic reactions in some people.

However, there is another reason for the furry peach.

Not only does it help to protect the fruit, but it also helps to prevent rotting too.

This is because the skin is so thin that it would be easy for microorganisms in mould and mildew to make their way inside.

Some people have a mild or severe allergic reaction to the fuzz.

So, in order to protect itself, peaches have developed these hairs to keep moisture away and prevent it from settling on the fruit, thus reducing its likelihood of being taken over by mildew spores.

Though the fuzz helps to keep water beads away from the surface, it doesn’t mean that it’s waterproof.

Moreso, it just allows water to perch on top of the hairs so that the peach has time to grow and ripen for picking.

With so many defences in place, you’d think that a peach would live forever but that isn’t the case.

Surprisingly, peaches have quite a short lifespan compared to other fruits, lasting approximately two weeks before they go to mush.

Though, don’t think they’re likely to go extinct as these beloved snacks are staying.

So, what group does this juicy fruit belong to?

You might think it could be similar to an apple, mango or orange but it’s actually categorised as a drupe, which is a type of fruit with a fleshy outer layer and shell inside that holds a seed.

Peaches are characterised as drupes because of their fleshing layer an shell.

Other drupes you might recognise include walnuts, almonds, cherries and avocados.

They are also part of the Rosaceae family, along with strawberries and the garden rose.

Allergy Insider reports that the Rosaceae family are the most frequently involved in food allergic reactions in teens and adults in Europe and that peaches cause one of the most common allergic reactions from fruits.

But if you aren’t allergic to these fuzzy friends, enjoy them and make sure to think about that protective hair before taking a bite!

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: News, Science, Food and Drink