The horrifying video of a man from having a ridiculous number of bugs from his nose removed is disgustingly fascinating and if nothing else, will have you washing your hands a lot more. Take a look if you dare:
I’d say feeling 'off', while you have over 100 bugs in your nose wriggling about in your face for months, is quite an understatement.
But a man from Florida (of course he’s from Florida) got quite the shock when he eventually went to the doctors after he began feeling unwell in October 2023.
So, if I must write this horror story, you might as well go all the way in and get all the grisly details. You're welcome.
Speaking to First Coast News, the man asked for his identity to not be revealed but gave insights to how he was feeling ahead of getting the creepy critters removed from his nose.

“Over a couple hours my face just started swelling, my lips swelled, I could hardly talk. My whole face felt like it was on fire” the patient said.
“I started getting nose bleeds, constant nose bleeds. I couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom without my nose starting to bleed."
“When I went for the examination the doctor says, 'I see movement’.”
Amazingly the patient said he had no clue how the bugs got inside his nose. However, he did say it was possibly due to the fact he wasn’t as diligent in washing his hands while handling dead fish when fishing.
In addition to this, the man had a type of cancer, neuroblastoma, 30 years ago so after the cancerous tumor was removed he was left with an extremely compromised immune system.
“I know that I have to change my lifestyle as far as I handle fish," said the patient, before I would rinse my hands in the river, now I'll use cleaner to do a better job and not touch my nose or my hand,” the patient added.
Dr. David Carlson, who was responsible for the procedure, explained how the bugs create a ‘toxic environment’. Yeah, that is putting it mildly.

“Thankfully he prompted me to take a closer look at the nose bleed, so we took a camera and looked in the nose and that's when things dramatically changed,” he said.
“When they feed they also create excrement. Larvae shed tissue and excrement and that creates a toxic environment that creates the inflammation because there was significant abnormality in that nose."
“Size wise there's variations, but the larger ones were as big as the end of my pinky." Yep, imagine that deep in your nose eating the flesh inside.
The patient was given an anti-parasitic as well as a special anti-parasitic rinse to clean his nose and will be evaluated as many as 4 times a year but is expected to make a full recovery.