Student by day, hitman by night - a man who lived a shocking double life has pleaded guilty to his fifth murder.
Abuzar Sultani was in his mid-twenties and attending a prestigious Australian university while owning his own construction business.
He seemed to be living a normal life to the outside world, but secretly lived the life of a ruthless hitman, dubbed as ‘one of the most feared figures in the city’s underworld’.

On Tuesday (January 30), the now 35-year-old pleaded guilty to his fifth murder, in a string of killings he committed over a three year span, making him one of Australia’s most prolific killers.
Sultani, who went by 'boss' or 'Abs' by his criminal gang, admitted in court to murdering Mark Easter over eight years ago, a member of an opposing bike gang, thought to be his last killing.
Easter was reported as missing, but his body was later found dumped in a woodland in Sydney in June, 2015. The biker had been shot in the head four times with a .22 caliber pistol, the court heard.
This is the most recent admission from Sultani, who has previously admitted to killing four other men between 2013 to 2016.

The media had previously been prevented from reporting on many of the court hearings but that condition has now been lifted.
At the court hearing, the judge described Sultani’s callous actions as a ‘mindless killing spree’ after being sentenced to three consecutive life sentences without parole for the murders of Michael Davey, Mehmet Yilmaz, and mafioso figure Pasquale Barbaro who were all found deceased from gun shot wounds.
Another 20 years was added to his sentence for the murder of low-level drug dealer Nikola Srbin and 28 years for a host of charges including selling and possessing guns, drug supply, and directing his criminal network.

Sultani grew up in a working-class family in Western Sydney as was described as a 'clearly intelligent' man as he studied for a Master of Business at Macquarie University.
A forensic psychologist asked how Sultani fell into the ‘gangster life’ to which he admitted that he got involved with gangs during his first stint in prison for armed robbery as a teen.
His double life came to an end in November 2016 after police spent months surveilling his gang before dismantling the criminals.
“A lot could be said about this young man and his transmogrification from a shy, quiet, intelligent middle child of a conservative, hardworking family to a notorious killer and gangster,” Justice Peter Hammill previously said.
“It is a sad waste of life.”
Sultani will be sentenced at a later date.