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Police handcuff and arrest Chucky doll and its owner for scaring people and demanding money

Police handcuff and arrest Chucky doll and its owner for scaring people and demanding money

The doll was reportedly wielding 'a long knife'

It's not even October yet and already, Halloween crimes are underway.

In a bizarre crime report from Mexico, police have arrested a Chucky doll and its owner for scaring people and demanding money from them.

The terrifying doll and its owner were arrested and taken into custody in Monclova, in Coahuila state on September 11.

The Chucky doll was under arrest alongside his owner.
Noticias NRT Mexico

Police arrested the puppet master, known only as Carlos 'N' under Mexican norms, alongside his gruesome looking mini partner in crime.

Footage after the arrest shows the orange haired Chucky doll in its blue denim overalls - a character made infamous in the 1988 horror film Child's Play - being lined up for its police mugshot to be taken, as well as having a 'long knife' taken from it.

The doll and its puppet master had reportedly been scaring the public and demanding money.

According to witness reports, the suspect made the doll wield a large knife to try and scare people into handing over their cash.

The puppetmaster, known as Carlos 'N', was also arrested.
Noticias NRT Mexico

Carlos 'N' was also allegedly under the influence of an illegal substance as he frightened people with his doll in the main square of Monclova, Mexico.

Juan Raul Alcocer, an officer with Monclova Police, released a statement which read: "He put the doll in their faces and was scaring people; it is an offense. [and] for this reason, he was arrested."

Mexican media reported the officer who put Chucky in cuffs was later reprimanded for not taking her job seriously.

Following the arrest, Carlos "N" was later released according to local news outlets. However the Chucky doll's whereabouts are still unknown.

Chucky is a character made infamous in the 1988 horror film 'Child's Play'.
Universal Pictures

For those looking for a less real life horror fix then slasher flick, Thanksgiving is expected to give viewers their gruesome fix this Halloween.

The movie is directed by Eli Roth and produced by Roger Birnbaum, from a screenplay written by Roth and Jeff Rendell.

Based on Roth's mock trailer of the same name from his, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez’s 2007 horror Grindhouse, the upcoming flick stars the likes of Grey's Anatomy's Patrick Dempsey and TikTok personality Addison Rae.

The teaser trailer shows a killer dressed up as a pilgrim who hunts down his unfortunate victims in a beyond grizzly manner including one particularly gruesome slash which takes place in a walk-in freezer of all places. Chilling.

Featured Image Credit: Noticias NRT Mexico

Topics: Crime, World News, Horror