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Death row inmate’s haunting final words before he was executed

Death row inmate’s haunting final words before he was executed

Ivan Cantu was executed on Wednesday following over 20 years on death row.

A Death Row inmate's haunting final words before he was executed have been revealed.

Ivan Cantu, 50, was on death row for more than 20 years for the killings of his cousin James Mosqueda and his cousin’s fiancée Amy Kitchen in November 2000.

Prosecutors said Cantu killed the pair during an attempt to steal cocaine, marijuana, and money from Mosqueda's Dallas home.

However, the inmate always maintained his innocence, stating that he believed a rival drug dealer killed his cousin in a dispute over cash.

Nonetheless, Cantu was executed at Texas State Penitentiary at Huntsville on Wednesday (February 29).

Ivan Cantu was executed this week.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice via AP

But just before the legal injection was administrated at 6.47pm local time, Cantu turned to his family and friends who were watching through a window.

And his final words before his death were certainly chilling.

He said: "I’d like to address the Kitchens and Mosqueda families. I want you to know that I never killed James and Amy.

"And if I did, if I knew who did, you would’ve been the first to know any information I would’ve had that would’ve helped to bring justice to James and Amy I would’ve shared.

"I want you all to know that I don’t think that this situation here will bring you closure if it does. If this is what it takes or have any reservations off in your mind, then so be it. This is not going to help you guys and I want you to know from me that it never occurred."




Just last month, Kim Kardashian spoke in support of Cantu to her 75+ million followers on X.

She penned: "I heard about Ivan Cantu’s case from Sister Helen Prejean and was really moved by it.

"Ivan has always maintained his innocence claiming that the rival drug dealer framed him for the murders.

Kim Kardashian had spoke in support of Cantu.
Pierre Suu/Getty Images

"There was false testimony by the State’s star witnesses who later recanted their statements and evidence withheld by the prosecution that would be extremely impactful.

"Even the jurors want to help now and support Ivan’s appeals, believing they did not hear all the evidence at trial."

The SKIMS founder concluded her statement: "The prosecutors offices are beginning to recognize that there are a lot of mistakes in convictions.

"They encourage you to write into their integrity units about specific cases, so I am encouraging everyone to write in about the case of Ivan Cantu. The time to act to save Ivan Cantu is now!"

However, Cantu's passing has now been confirmed, with Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis saying the 50-year-old had 'finally met with justice'.

"My hopeful prayer is for the victims’ families, friends, and loved ones to find a long-awaited sense of peace," his statement added.

Featured Image Credit: NBC News

Topics: Death Row, Crime, Texas, US News