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Boris Johnson Banned From Entering Russia After Receiving Major Sanctions

Boris Johnson Banned From Entering Russia After Receiving Major Sanctions

Prime Minister Boris Johnson can no longer enter Russia after a series of sanctions levelled at UK government officials

Boris Johnson has been banned from entering Russia over the UK's 'hostile' stance towards the country following their invasion of Ukraine.

The Kremlin has sanctioned the prime minister, along with foreign secretary Liz Truss and defence secretary Ben Wallace, as Britain has provided aid and supplies to Ukraine.

Other senior ministers also on the list are chancellor Rishi Sunak, deputy prime minister Dominic Raab and home secretary Priti Patel.

They are joined by Nadine Dorries, Kwasi Kwarteng, James Heappey, Suella Braverman, Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon and former prime minister Theresa May.

Russia has said it will soon expand the list of sanctioned individuals.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in February.

The Russian government released a statement which read: "In connection with the unprecedented hostile actions of the British government, expressed, in particular, in the imposition of sanctions against top officials of the Russian Federation, a decision was made to include key members of the British government and a number of political figures in the Russian 'stop list'."

Moscow said the decision was retaliation for the UK issuing sanctions against a number of Russian individuals with ties to Vladimir Putin's government since the invasion of Ukraine.

They accused the UK of 'deliberately aggravating the situation' and 'pumping the Kyiv regime with lethal weapons', a reference to the arms supplied by the UK to the Ukrainian military to help them continue the fight against Russian invasion.

The UK was among the many countries to impose sanctions on Russia in the aftermath of Putin's invasion, with restrictions being tightened in the following weeks as tougher measures were introduced to more individuals.

Last month the Kremlin singled out Johnson as the 'most active' opponent of their war in Ukraine in a threat against what they claim to be the UK's 'anti-Russian' stance.

Defence secretary Ben Wallace is on the list of sanctioned individuals.

Johnson has previously appealed directly to the people of Russia to listen to the truth about the atrocities committed in Ukraine by Putin's troops, describing 'civilians massacred' in actions that have 'horrified the world'.

He then urged Russian citizens to access independent information in order for them to get the full picture of Putin's invasion, free from the propaganda of state media.

The prime minister described the atrocities committed in Ukraine by Russian soldiers as 'a stain on the honour of Russia itself'.

Since Putin's invasion of Ukraine began in February thousands have died and millions forced to flee their homes, though Russian attempts to take the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv appear to have been repelled for now.

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Russia, Ukraine, Boris Johnson, Vladimir Putin, World News