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Bird’s Singing Of Harry Potter Theme Stuns The Internet

Bird’s Singing Of Harry Potter Theme Stuns The Internet

The bird has now become a viral sensation after beatboxing, saying phrases like 'I love you', and singing along to other tunes

A talented bird has gone viral on TikTok after brilliantly singing the Harry Potter theme tune.

TikToker @farijuana has amassed over 40,000 followers after posting a series of videos with her European Starling called Zephyr. 

The 34-year-old found her beloved pet after ‘he fell out of his nest’ into ‘the parking lot of a deli’ she used to work for. 

Watch the clip below: 


The poor thing was only nine days old. 

Now, the self-proclaimed ‘bird mom’ regularly posts videos with her pet, showcasing his amazing talents. 

TikTok users have been left stunned by Zephyr’s impressive speaking and singing abilities. 

“He was gargling out words by the time he was 3-4 months,” she explained in another video. 


The bird regularly showcases his many talents, such as saying phrases like ‘I love you’, as well as beatboxing and singing along to popular tunes. 

Zephyr’s stand out performance, though, has to be his rendition of ‘Hedgwig’s Theme’, better known as the Harry Potter theme tune. 

@Farijuana posted the clip to her page with the caption: “I love how he even mimics the breath I take in the middle of whistling.” 

The fascinating footage has now received over 10 million views and 2.7 million likes, with thousands of TikTok users rushing to the comments to congratulate the bird on his performance. 

One person wrote: “This is the most magical thing ever.” 

Another added: “This is so friggin cute omg.” 

Others noted the adorable breath he took in the middle of his song. 


One person commented: “Little breath? my man was gasping for air.”

“Awww haha the mimic of you inhaling lol that's so cute!!” a fourth person said. 

“The fact that he’s not actually taking a breath, rather copying YOU taking a breath, I love him,” a fifth added. 

If you’re wondering what’s next on Zephyr’s agenda, then rest assured the pair will continue to create content. 

One commenter asked whether Zephyr would be willing to learn Rue’s whistle from The Hunger Games, to which the TikToker replied: “I could definitely try to teach him!” 

According to RSPB, ‘Starlings have picked up a lot of human noises...from speech to chainsaws, car alarms and mobile ringtones’, meaning Zephyr’s behaviour is not out of the ordinary for his species. 

Well, we can’t wait to see what he comes up with next. 

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]  

Featured Image Credit: @farijuana/TikTok

Topics: TikTok, Viral, Social Media, Harry Potter