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Anonymous Targets ‘Russian Asset’ Marjorie Taylor Greene With Warning

Anonymous Targets ‘Russian Asset’ Marjorie Taylor Greene With Warning

Anonymous issued a warning to Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene following her controversial comments on Ukraine's invasion.

Anonymous has issued a warning to Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene following her controversial comments on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The QAnon-supporting lawmaker hasn't been short on controversy since being elected in Georgia, whether it's filing articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden amid Donald Trump's second impeachment, mistaking gazpacho for the Gestapo, or her recent Linkin Park campaign video.

Earlier this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a historic address to the US Congress, invoking Martin Luther King and 9/11 in his calls for support, with Biden in-turn offering financial and military support. Surprise surprise, Greene had something to say.

Marjorie Taylor Greene. (Alamy)
Marjorie Taylor Greene. (Alamy)

In a video released after Zelenskyy's address, Greene said: "There is no doubt that Putin’s actions in Ukraine are despicable and evil. We weep when we see images of men, women and children wounded or killed.

"If we truly care about suffering and death on our television screens, we cannot fund more of it by sending money and weaponry to Ukraine to fight a war they cannot possibly win. The only effective, more arms and more money from America will be to prolong the war and magnify human suffering.

"I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be responsible for creating even more refugees and orphans in an already traumatised and dysfunctional world... it’s not our responsibility to give Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people false hope about a war they cannot win."

Greene caught Bill Kristol, editor-at-large of The Bulwark, criticised Greene for 'betting against America' in her video.

"I tell you what pumpkin. How about you suit up and report to your commander and chief yourself and tell him you're reporting for duty," she replied.

"You might want to train a little first, the only thing in shape on you and prepared for war is your little Twitter thumbs."

This, plus her other behaviour, caught the eye of Anonymous.

"Russian asset Marjorie Taylor Greene will go down in history as one of the dumbest politicians ever. History will not be kind to you, nor will we," the hacktivist group tweeted.

Anonymous declared 'cyber war' on Russia soon after Vladimir Putin announced his 'special military operation' in Ukraine, with warfare now on its 23rd day.

It has since claimed responsibility for disabling Russian websites, broadcasting footage of the war on Russian television and releasing hundreds of thousands of files from a federal agency.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Featured Image Credit: Alamy/Anonymous

Topics: Marjorie Taylor Greene, US News