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Family share major breakthrough in bid to reunite magpie Molly with her dog best friend

Family share major breakthrough in bid to reunite magpie Molly with her dog best friend

Molly the magpie was snatched away last month

If you’ve been heartbroken by a recent break up of this unlikely animal duo, you’ll be following the story closely just like the rest of us.

After a Queensland family was torn apart by officials due to safety concerns, they’re now fighting to get back together.

In 2020, a heartwarming story broke the internet of a strange friendship formed between a magpie named Molly and two Staffordshire bull terriers, Peggy and Ruby.

Molly had been rescued by a Gold Coast couple, Juliette Wells and Reece Mortensen, after the bird fell from a nest and the rest was history.

That was until authorities took the little bird away after its friendship became a viral internet sensation.

Wells began documenting their antics social media, showing the animals cuddling together and playing around, with Molly’s little barking sounds.

Molly's journey with the family has been heavily documented online.
Instagram/ peggyandmolly

However, after several complaints to the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) by those worried about the friendship, the family ended up surrendering Molly to their care in March.

Now, there’s an update on the case.

Posting to their 800,000 followers, the couple wrote: “We have had an UPDATE.

“We spoke to the Bosses of DESI today. The department is moving forward and trying to get the legal frameworks in place for a positive solution.

“We have a face-to-face meeting with the heads of the department to try to work out what is the best path forward in Molly’s best interest. We are confident with the right training, support & licences we can make this happen.”

In the post, the family encouraged everyone to ‘keep pushing forward together’ and contact the department’s Director-General and the Queensland premier.

The family rescued the magpie in 2020.
Instagram/ peggyandmolly

Initially, when Molly was seized, it sparked mass anger from those who were happy to see such an unlikely family for the bird and many banded together to petition for his safe return.

Premier Steven Miles joined in the calls to return Molly and said: “I’m most interested in what is in the best interests of the animal and if the department can work with the family to reunite them in a way that is legal, I would support them.

“I think sometimes common sense needs to prevail.”

After a month of living without their magpie, the department has finally given the family an update about how Molly is doing after being snatched away.

The authorities took away Molly after complaints about her safety.
Instagram/ peggyandmolly

Wells confirmed: “Molly is doing very well. He is happy and he is healthy.

“We don’t definitely know we’re going to get him back but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.”

A spokesperson for the department said: “The department has contacted the couple to assure them that Molly is being well cared for and that options are being examined for the bird’s future care.

“Our priority is the ongoing welfare of the magpie, and the bird is safe, undergoing rehabilitation and has full access to veterinary care.”

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@peggyandmolly

Topics: News, Social Media, Animals, Australia