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Baby owl goes undetected on family's Christmas tree for four days before cleaner notices

Baby owl goes undetected on family's Christmas tree for four days before cleaner notices

Hedwig, is that you?

A family has spoken out after not realizing a baby owl was living in their Christmas tree for four days.

Last week, a family in Lexington, Kentucky got into the festive spirit and decided to put up their Christmas tree.

They pick out their tree together every year and even though owl they wanted was the festive fir tree, they got a lot more than they bargained for this time round.

Prepare to hoot over the ador-owl-ble baby and get a new idea for what to put on your list to Father Christmas this year:

The family put their tree up in their living room, decorated it and had it stood there for four days before they made the discovery earlier this week.

"I have three dogs, we use this room non-stop, watch TV, the kitchen's right here, no indication," homeowner Michelle told FOX 56 News on Tuesday (December 5).

It was only when the owner of Magic Carpet & Upholstery Bobby Hayes was in the house, giving Michelle's rugs a pre-festive period clean, when he came across the baby owl.

Hedwig, is that you? Ron, have you let the untrained Pigwidgeon out of your sight again?

Move over 'Where's Wally?'
FOX 56 News

Bobby explained how he was plugging in a piece of equipment when he saw the owl sitting on a 'lower limb' of the tree.

"It crawled up into the tree further," he continued. "And as it was in the tree further, it took me several minutes to even find it."




And the little baby was owl by all himself.

The carpet cleaner got hold of the small bird and took a photograph of it by the tree, sending it to Michelle, who first at thought he was holding up a 'stuffed animal' or an 'ornament'.

Hoo did the carpet cleaner spot?!
Pexels/ Saketh Upadhya

Michelle was 'so stunned' and 'shocked' when she realized a real owl was in her family's Christmas tree.

And it's just as well Bobby found the animal opposed to Michelle, who admitted she would've 'left the house' if she'd come face-to-face with the feathery bird.

"The owl could've stayed without me, I wasn't coming home," she said.

But what happened to the owl?

Bobby sent a photograph of himself with the baby owl to Michelle.
FOX 56 News

Well, rather than Michelle having been left with the ultimatum for her or the owl to leave the property, Bobby took the owl outside to the back yard and let it fly wild and free.

Bobby resolved: "Everybody's going to be able to have a merry Christmas now."

Good luck little owl.

Featured Image Credit: FOX 56 News

Topics: Animals, Christmas, US News