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Co-workers recall attempts to save trainer as SeaWorld orca killed him and 'violently played with body'

Co-workers recall attempts to save trainer as SeaWorld orca killed him and 'violently played with body'

Alexis Martínez was killed by a killer whale on loan from SeaWorld

Co-workers have recalled the desperate attempts that were made to save a trainer who was brutally killed by a SeaWorld orca.

Killer whales have long been regarded as one of the most dangerous predators in the ocean.

Nonetheless, they've been routinely used as theme park attractions across the globe for decades now.

SeaWorld is one theme park that still keeps a flock of orcas. And while they may no longer breed the aquatic mammal, they typically live a long life - so a lot of them are still around.

Tragically, some unfortunate incidents have arisen from having orcas in parks.

Back in 2009, SeaWorld loaned four killer whales to Loro Parque in Tenerife to star in the resort’s Orca Ocean attraction.

A 6,600-pound orca named Keto was one of those to move to the Canaries, a whale that is the offspring of the late Kalina, the first killer whale to be birthed in a SeaWorld theme park.

Keto was put under the care of 29-year-old Alexis Martínez at the theme park, with the trainer having worked at Loro Parque for five years at that point.

Alexis Martínez regularly rehearsed shows with Keto. (Estel Moore / Alexis Martínez)
Alexis Martínez regularly rehearsed shows with Keto. (Estel Moore / Alexis Martínez)

Martínez and the whale formed a close bond relatively quickly as they entertained thousands of paying customers.

Outside Magazine reports that staff claimed the animal ‘appeared in a good mood’ and was ‘on form’. But when Martínez attempted a move called ‘a stand-on spy hop’, a real problem commenced.

A 2012 report states: “After Keto failed to perform a number of behaviors correctly, [Martínez] and Keto were floating on the surface of the pool.”

The orca is then said to ‘positioned himself’ between his trainer and the stage before pushing Martínez to the bottom of the man-made pool with his rostrum.

Keto then hit him and violently played with his body underneath the water, resulting in his death.

Over the years, many of Martínez co-workers have recalled the horrible incident.

In his testimony, Orca Ocean assistant supervisor Rafael Sanchez said: "The animal in question moved towards him and hit him and violently played with his body."

Orcas in captivity has lead to many tragic incidents involving both the whales and humans. (Mark Rightmire/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)
Orcas in captivity has lead to many tragic incidents involving both the whales and humans. (Mark Rightmire/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)

To try and get the orca's attention, trainers slapped the water and banged a bucket.

After approximately 30 seconds, the killer whale returned, leaving Martínez at the bottom of the pool.

Keto was directed to another pool before Martínez's body was able to be recovered.

The trainer's colleagues tried to save the trainer before he was rushed hospital.

But tragically, Martínez died as a result of horrific injuries including significant internal bleeding.

Following Martínez’s tragic death, the trainer’s former co-worker Dawn Brancheau was killed in an orca attack in Orlando, Florida.

Nowadays, guests can still see the animals up close in shows, but those shows that ended in tragedy have been phased out.

UNILAD has reached out to SeaWorld for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Estel Moore / Estefanía Luis Rodriguez

Topics: Animals, World News