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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Arrested For Protesting At Abortion Rally Outside Supreme Court

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Arrested For Protesting At Abortion Rally Outside Supreme Court

The Democratic Congresswoman was one of 17 lawmakers taken into custody for the 'illegal demonstration activity'.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been arrested for taking part in an abortion rally outside the US Supreme Court.

The Democratic politician was one of 17 who were taken into custody for being involved in the peaceful protest.

Capitol Police revealed Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Texas' Veronica Escobar, and Illinois' Jan Schakowsky were among the members of Congress who were detained.

Authorities arrested 35 people in total.

People were gathered outside the Supreme Court to voice their anger at the Roe v Wade legislation being recently overturned.

The law granted women a national constitutional right to access abortion in the United States of America.

Now that the piece of legislation has been overturned, it has allowed several US states to outlaw the procedure almost entirely.

There have been demonstrations at the Supreme Court before the ruling was handed down and many rallies have taken place since.

Police took the 35 people into custody because they were participating in 'illegal demonstration activity', according to ABC.

Officers advised people to leave the area immediately or they would face being detained as well.

The threat reportedly sparked a wave of singing and chanting, with protestors 'we won't go back' and 'our body our choice'.

Congresswoman Katherine Clark said in a statement (via ABC) that she couldn't sit by and do nothing when millions of American women are at risk.

"The extremist Republican Party is determined to take us back in time and take away our rights," she said.

"I refuse to stand on the sidelines as their rampage continues.

"I am furious and heartbroken, and I will proudly fight for our right to abortion and all of our Constitutional rights.

"They can arrest me, but we won’t allow them to arrest freedom."

Featured Image Credit: Rep AOC/Twitter. SOPA Images Limited / Alamy Stock Photo

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