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Alec Baldwin says 'everyone on Rust set knows who to blame for Halyna Hutchins' death'

Alec Baldwin says 'everyone on Rust set knows who to blame for Halyna Hutchins' death'

Alec Baldwin has claimed that everyone on the movie set where Halyna Hutchins died knows who is to blame.

Alec Baldwin has claimed 'every single person' on the set of Rust knows 'exactly who to blame' for the death of Halyna Hutchins.

Speaking on US journalist Chris Cuomo's podcast, the actor said all of the people on the movie set on the day of the fatal shooting know what really happened.

Baldwin was rehearsing a scene on 21 October, 2021 when a gun he says he was told was safe to discharge went off, killing 42-year-old cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

The FBI recently released the findings of their investigation into the fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins on the Rust set, concluding that the trigger on the gun which killed her had to have been pulled for events to play out as they did.

Baldwin had previously claimed in an interview last December that he hadn't pulled the trigger, saying he would 'never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them'.

Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was shot dead on the set of Rust.
ZUMA Press Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

Baldwin called out a number of US media outlets, including the LA Times and the Hollywood Reporter, for their coverage of events when they weren't present on set.

He said recently on The Chris Cuomo Project: "I know that every single person on the set of the film knows what happened, and the people who are talking loudest about what happened or speculating about what happened were not on the set of the film.

"They are talking on and on and on about what if this and what if that and have dined out on this and the thing that they have in common is nobody was there."

"Everybody who was there, they know exactly what happened. They know exactly who’s to blame."

The actor also said a bullet could have been fired from the gun without pulling the trigger through a process called 'fanning' where one hand holds the revolver and the other repeatedly cocks back the hammer in a slapping motion.

The gun held by Alec Baldwin during the incident.
Zuma Press / Alamy Stock Photo

A report into the fatal shooting of Hutchins on the Rust set earlier this year found that firearm safety procedures were not being followed and that the production company demonstrated 'plain indifference to employee safety'.

The report noted: "By failing to follow these practices, an avoidable loss of life occurred."

Baldwin's lawyers argue the report exonerates him from any possible wrongdoing.

Bodycam footage of on set armourer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed shortly after the fatal shooting of Hutchins shows her saying she 'just f***ed up my whole entire career'.

Baldwin is facing a number of lawsuits from the incident, including from the family of Hutchins.

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Featured Image Credit: The Chris Cuomo Project/Youtube/ZUMA Press Inc/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Alec Baldwin, Film and TV, US News, Celebrity