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Quentin Tarantino reckons Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is better than The Last Crusade

Quentin Tarantino reckons Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is better than The Last Crusade

The most recent instalment of the iconic adventure film series is largely considered the worst of the four films.

Legendary director Quentin Tarantino has shared an incredibly hot take on the Indian Jones films, preferring the critically slandered Kingdom of the Crystal Skull over The Last Crusade.

The most recent instalment of the iconic adventure film series is largely considered the worst of the four films, however, the filmmaker had a differing opinion.

While appearing as a guest on the ReelBlend podcast he wasn’t shy in his disdain for the 1989 trilogy capper. 

In The Last Crusade, James Bond star Sean Connery joined the cast as Indian Jones’ father, Henry Jones Sr, as the pair team up in search of the Holy Grail.

AJ Pics / Alamy

Despite featuring two certified acting legends in Harrison Ford and Sean Connery in starring roles, the storyline fell short for the Pulp Fiction director.

He said: “I like Crystal Skull more than the Sean Connery one. I don't like the Sean Connery one. I don't like the Sean Connery one at all.

"That's such a boring one. It’s boring. And he's not an interesting character. The joke is made immediately. It's like Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot."

A pretty wild comparison there between the third film of the series and the infamous 1992 film that saw Sylvester Stallone play a Sergeant who teams up with his mother in some sort of buddy-cop style film.

It was as bad as it sounds, earning a Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screenplay.

So for Tarantino to compare the third Indian Jones to that film is some pretty scathing criticism. 


However, considering the films that the director has masterminded, you have to take his opinion under consideration.

Although, in saying that, the third instalment of the series is pretty universally loved among audiences compared to its 2008 successor.

The Last Crusade has an impressive 94 per cent audience approval rate on Rotten Tomatoes meanwhile The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has a measly 53 per cent. 

However, Tarantino may have to revise his Indian Jones ranking system come next year with the release of the fifth edition of the iconic film series.

James Mangold will take over from Steven Spielberg in directing the film which will see Harrison Ford reprise his role and be joined by the likes of Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Mads Mikkelsen, Boyd Holbrook, and Antonio Banderas. 

And if Holbrook is to be believed it’ll blow the 2008 film out of the water.

He told Men’s Health: “I can assure you that it’s going to be badass.

“I got to see like half an hour of it when I went to L.A., and I saw Jim. You know, just look at his work: Ford v Ferrari, it’s gonna be fast, it’s gonna be badass, and it’s gonna have heart. All of his films have this emotional beat in them, but we’ve got this grand scale of Indiana Jones.” 

Featured Image Credit: dpa picture alliance / Alamy. AJ Pics / Alamy.

Topics: Quentin Tarantino, Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg