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Johnny Depp hasn't seen his new film that got 7-minute standing ovation at Cannes film festival

Johnny Depp hasn't seen his new film that got 7-minute standing ovation at Cannes film festival

Depp is set to make his big screen comeback in period drama Jeanne du Barry

Johnny Depp’s Hollywood comeback is underway after moviegoers at Cannes gave the actor a rapturous seven-minute standing ovation for his new movie.

Depp doesn’t know if the film’s any good or not though - as he hasn’t actually seen it.

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor’s career looked to be in trouble after he was sacked from the Fantastic Beasts franchise following domestic abuse claims from his ex-wife Amber Heard.

In 2020, Depp lost his case against The Sun newspaper in the UK, who he unsuccessfully tried to sue for libel, after they published an article labeling him a ‘wife beater’.

However, in 2022, he won a separate case in the US, with a court ordering Heard to pay $10 million in damages, after it found she had defamed Depp by writing in the Washington Post that she was a victim of domestic abuse.

Now, Depp will soon be seen as Louis XV in new period drama Jeanne du Barry from French actor-turned-director Maïwenn, who also stars alongside Depp as the French king’s lover, Madame du Barry.

The film went down rather well with the Cannes audience, with the movie getting a seven-minute standing ovation.

Johnny Depp's new film went down a storm at Cannes.

The choice to kick off the film festival with Depp’s comeback movie wasn’t without its controversies. Festival director Thierry Fremaux, was forced to explain his decision to host the film’s premiere and festival jury member, Brie Larson, was even quizzed about her thoughts on the film.

Despite all this though, Depp was seen grinning ear to ear at his first red carpet since winning his defamation case against Heard.

Despite glamming it up at the premiere however, Depp still hasn’t actually seen Jeanne du Barry.

Speaking to press about the audience’s rapturous reaction to the movie, Depp said: “The applause and the reaction from the audience… the energy of the reaction seemed to go on and on.

“I was very proud to see the comeuppance of the result of good work.

“I haven’t seen the thing, but I know it’s good because they said so.”

Johnny Depp in Jeanne du Barry.
Le Pacte

This shouldn't come as a surprise to fans of Depp as he jokingly explained on The Late Show with David Letterman in 2009 that, once the film is done, 'it's really none of my business'.

Depp continued: "Yeah, I stay as far away. If I can, I’d try to stay in as profound a state of ignorance as possible.

"It’s just that, you know, I don’t like watching myself."

Opening up about if he felt boycotted by Hollywood, Depp told reporters: “Did I feel boycotted by Hollywood? You’d have to not have a pulse to feel like, ‘No. None of this is happening. It’s a weird joke.'

“When you’re asked to resign from a film you’re doing because of something that is merely a function of vowels and consonants floating in the air, yes you feel boycotted.

“It’s a strange, funny time where everybody would love to be able to be themselves, but they can’t. They must fall in line with the person in front of them. If you want to live that life, I wish you the best.”

Jeanne du Barry does not yet have a cinema release date.

Featured Image Credit: Variety

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV, Johnny Depp, Cannes Film Festival