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Customers left stunned after receiving $77 bill for four items at coffee shop

Customers left stunned after receiving $77 bill for four items at coffee shop

The guest posted their receipt from heading out for a light brunch on Sunday, and people were left horrified by the price

People were left horrified after seeing the cost of a light brunch at a coffee shop.

It's no secret that everything is getting more expensive, and with rising rents, food prices, and gas prices, the hospitality industry is acutely impacted by this.

But even taking all this into account, people were gobsmacked by the price for a light brunch out.

The guest took to the Reddit page for Australia to share the price they had paid.

We're not even talking a big meal here, with the receipt showing that the table had ordered just four items during their visit.

As for those four items, the receipt listed what they were.

These were two bacon and egg rolls with avocado and two iced coffees with ice cream.

Sounds like a delicious brunch in the sunshine, but it's hardly a roman banquet.

The cafe in question was located in Darwin, Australia, and the receipt included a few other surcharges and extras.

The customer had gone out for a light brunch (stock image).
Alexander Spatari / Getty

So just how much did this tasty but modest brunch come to?

Well, with the prices all broken down on the receipt that shows that the two bacon and egg rolls cost AU $38 (around US $25), with an extra charge for the avocado being AU $3 (around US $2).

So that's AU $22 per sandwich, or around US $14.55.

Then there's the iced coffees, which had a base price of AU $10 each, or around US $6.60, with another AU $3 charge for ice cream.

That brings the total for the four items to AU $70, but we're not done yet as there was also a surcharge added for it being Sunday of AU $7.

This brought the final total up to AU $77, or around US $51.

People took to the comments on Reddit to share their horror at the price.

The total on the receipt.
Reddit / LeeWiserEnvoy

One said: "Maaaate... You got ripped off big time. That's not eating out is expensive. That's f*cked."

A second posted: "Even without the Sunday surcharge that is one expensive breakfast. And $13 for an iced coffee too."

A third wrote: "Normally I'm not surprised at the prices people post here, but this one seems a little over the top.

"I suppose there's a lot going on here. Darwin is expensive already as stuff is often trucked in, Beachside cafe is going to be expensive and Sunday prices add 10% to it."

Someone else asked the customer about the quality of the food, saying: "That is absolutely crazy. were they any good at least?"

They replied: "Yes! To be fair, it was really nice food—but I still had to do a double take when I saw the cost."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Image/Reddit/LeeWiserEnvoy

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