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Woman explains why she’s decided to have sex with men who aren’t her husband

Woman explains why she’s decided to have sex with men who aren’t her husband

The content creator decided to experiment with new men after nearly 20 years with her husband

A content creator has explained why she's decided to sleep with men who aren't her husband nearly two decades into their relationship.

Layla Kelly, 33, started dating her husband in her teens, and 17 years on the pair are now well and truly 'secure' in their relationship.

The couple have been together through the launch of Kelly's career on OnlyFans, where she works as a content creator to entertain her subscribers online.

Kelly's account has proved extremely successful, so recently she began to wonder how she could take her page to the next level.

She discussed the matter with her husband, telling "Recently we had a discussion and decided that sleeping with other men was the next logical step to take my content to a new level, and he’s super cool with it."

Kelly made clear that she wouldn't have considered the move if her husband wasn't comfortable with it, but the pair decided that as long as it was for the sake of her content, it would be acceptable for Kelly to sleep with other men.

They agreed to open their relationship for content that would be filmed, with the decision of exactly who she would sleep with depending on how much the man would be able to bring to Kelly's OnlyFans page.

Layla Kelly decided to open her relationship for content.

“We always ask ourselves, how is this collaboration going to benefit me?," Kelly said. "I wouldn’t go and film with someone who doesn’t have a platform or isn’t able to give me exposure because if that was the case, I could just use my husband."

After reaching the agreement with her husband, Kelly slept with her first new partner recently during a nine-day work trip.

She decided to go for a man who looked entirely different physically to her husband, with the goal of giving her audience more variety while watching her content.

She assured there was 'no jealousy' from her husband, though she double checked with him before going ahead to make sure.

“He loves watching the content I make with others. He enjoys it. I’m so grateful of his support,” she said.

Though the idea of your partner sleeping with someone else would be too much for some people to handle, Kelly said it's actually improved the sex life she has with her husband.

Layla Kelly says her husband is comfortable with their agreement.

“We are naturally adventurous people and like to explore and try new things," Kelly said. "And my husband’s really enjoying watching the content that I’ve been making, and we do enjoy that together, intimately.

"So I think it’s made it even more exciting."

Kelly is now keeping an eye out for her next new partner, but she's not ready to open her marriage fully just yet.

“This is something that we have talked about already, and it’s something we’re definitely open to doing in the future," she said.

“However, at the moment, we’re really enjoying what we have going on. So, not something we’re going to do right now, but I think in the future, we’ll probably progress to that."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@mrshamilt0n

Topics: Sex and Relationships, OnlyFans