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Woman left with $60,000 dinner bill after making brutal mistake of posting a photo on social media

Woman left with $60,000 dinner bill after making brutal mistake of posting a photo on social media

They made an unfortunate error, resulting in an enormous restaurant tab

Posting a picture of your dinner is the social media equivalent of classic rock, sure it's a bit dated but it's still fun.

But one woman ended up getting more than she bargained for after sharing a snap of her food while out with a friend.

It's a fairly innocuous thing, you're on a night out, enjoying the time and want to put a pic on Instagram.

But before you do, it might be worth just making sure that you don't accidentally include any QR codes in your picture.

Otherwise you might end up suffering the same fate as this woman - only identified by her surname Wang - who did just that while out for dinner with a friend in Kunming in South West China.

Wang and her friend had popped out for a meal on November 23, and accidentally uploaded their table's QR code online.

This is usually found on the table, and is used to order your food and pay for your meal.

While it can often be convenient, on this occasion it proved to be quite the opposite.

The woman was faced with a hefty bill.

The diner realized that something was not quite right when she received a check for a whopping 430,000 yuan, or around $60,500.

Unfortunately, even though she had only uploaded the image to her contacts on the Chinese app WeChat, someone had got ahold of it and used the QR code for nefarious purposes.





This meant that orders were piling in from online as people remotely scanned the code and placed bogus requests.

These reportedly included 2,580 orders for squid, 1,850 orders of duck blood, a popular regional dish, and 9,990 portions of shrimp paste.

Luckily for Wang, the restaurant quickly cottoned on to the problem and moved the pair to another table so they could differentiate between the real orders and the fake ones.

The ticket machine in the kitchen must have been smoking by the end.

The chef must have bee overwhelmed by the amount of orders.
AaronAmat / Getty

The restaurant has since updated the ordering system so that orders have to be placed from within a certain distance.

Despite the incident, Wang has chalked the whole thing up as a learning experience. She'll definitely be double-checking her pictures in the future!

And it's not the only time that an online ordering system has caused such a problem.

Similar problems have occurred at the popular UK pub chain Wetherspoons, which allows people to order to their table via the app.

Customers will sometimes post their table number online along with their location, either to get free drinks or as a prank.

Unfortunately this can leave staff overwhelmed with remote orders if a post gets a lot of attention online, consequently causing chaos.

Featured Image Credit: Oscar Wong/Hinterhaus Productions

Topics: China, Food and Drink, World News, Social Media