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Conspiracy theorists are claiming Damar Hamlin is actually dead and the NFL is covering it up

Conspiracy theorists are claiming Damar Hamlin is actually dead and the NFL is covering it up

The conspiracy theorists strike again

The conspiracy theorists strike again, this time claiming that Damar Hamlin is actually dead and the NFL is covering it up.

Before we get into it, let's first ask the question: why? What in the world would the NFL get out of covering up that one of its players has died?

This same question can be applied to so many of these theories, and it's good to keep it at the forefront of your mind before you go down a YouTube rabbit hole.

Now let's get into Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills safety who collapsed on the field of play after suffering from a cardiac arrest earlier this month.

Damar Hamlin (right) suffered a cardiac arrest on the field of play.
Kirby Lee / Alamy Stock Photo

The 24-year-old's heart had to be restarted twice – once on the pitch and then again in the hospital – following the shocking turn of events.

The incident unfolded on 2 January at a game between the Buffalo Bills and the Cincinnati Bengals, which was suspended.

Although Hamlin was said to be in critical condition at the time, he made an incredible recovery and eventually spoke out to thank his fans for their ongoing support.

And the story ends there... just kidding.

You see, last Sunday (January 22), Hamlin made a surprise appearance at the Bills' divisional-round playoff match against the Bengals.

The crowd at Highmark Stadium erupted into cheers as an image of him appeared on the big screen, showing him making a heart shape with his hands – his signature move.

But the conspiracy theorists quickly grew suspicious of the fact that it was hard to see Hamlin in the footage due to the grainy quality and the fact that his face was covered with a hood, scarf and thick snow.

In another clip, Hamlin was shown being transported to the Bills' locker room – although his face was similarly concealed.

So what exactly is going on here? Could it be that he's not ready to face the cameras yet, having only been released from the hospital less than two weeks before?

For most, this explanation would suffice. But the theorists have other ideas.

That includes the host of TikTok's @barebonespodcast, who took to the platform to ask: "Where is Damar Hamlin?"

He says that while he's been rooting for the NFL star to get better, after Hamlin's recent appearance he's 'not convinced'.

Speaking about the clips of the footballer from the Sunday game, he explains: "I think it's laughable to try to zoom in on someone behind glass, who's bundled up behind a sheet of snow...

"I don't understand if they want this guy to pull through and really use him as like this icon for the Buffalo Bills and this big story.

"Why aren't they showing him more? He's at the game. You're telling me this guy won't take an interview? He's been tweeting saying how excited he is to get back and be with the team."

As for the locker room clip, he reckons 'security looks way more involved than it should be'.

Even former MLB player Aubrey Huff is in on the action, taking to Twitter to write: "Isn’t it weird that @BuffaloBills Damar Hamlin was the biggest story for two weeks? Now we have media silence. Not a social media post from him, picture, or live video.

"Somethings fishy. @NFL is either covering up his death, or he’s in bad shape."

Before you get carried away with the chat, Bills' quarterback Josh Allen was on hand to disregard the theory.

Speaking on a recent episode of the Kyle Brandt’s Basement podcast, he said: "That’s stupid.... He was in the locker room with us pregame, so yes, that was Damar.

"There is absolutely zero chance. Absolutely zero chance. That was the Damar Hamlin, that’s our guy, that’s our brother.

"He was with us pre-game, post-game, he was up in the suite with his family, his little brother. 100-percent."

But as we've seen in the past, this explanation likely won't be enough to stop the conspiracy theory from spreading.

Featured Image Credit: Sipa US/Alamy Stock Photo/@d.ham3/Instagram

Topics: Conspiracy Theories, NFL, Football, Sport, US News