A man is lucky to be alive after getting involved in a devastating accident that led to him losing half of his skull, which interestingly, he’s kept hold of and stores in a zip-lock bag.
Brandon Alexander, from Manhattan in New York, got involved in an accident on his skateboard and rushed to hospital where he was placed in an induced coma, waking up three days later.
Incredibly, Brandon says that not only does he know what happened to him, but no one else has any clue either.
He explained: “The crazy part isn’t that I’ve had three brain surgeries and my skull replaced twice - side note, I still have both of those skulls."
You can see him showing off his skulls here:
Brandon continued: “However, the crazy part is that no one knows what happened on the night of the accident. On October 11 2019, I was in a near fatal hit and run skateboarding accident. No one knows what happened. And I mean literally no one.
“I left my house at 8.50pm on an electric skateboard, at 9.13 I was checked into the hospital as a John Doe.
"Twenty-three minutes went by, no camera footage. A vague hospital report, no 911 call, no ambulance report, no camera footage from the World Trade or the f***ing Federal Reserve.
“It’s been two-and-a-half years and no one knows what happened. I was brought into the hospital as a John Doe and treated for a drug overdose. I wasn’t a drug overdose.”
In a clip posted on his YouTube channel in 2020, Brandon revealed that his mum was warned that he was ‘about ten minutes’ from becoming brain dead, so underwent emergency surgery.
He explained: "It was a three hour surgery and they ended up having to take out the whole left side of my skull... after my surgery I had 79 staples put in my head."

Brandon spent 23 days in hospital before spending two weeks in rehab where he had to learn how to walk again.
Having survived his catastrophic injuries, Brandon says he’s lucky to be alive and now truly understands how precious life is.
He said: "I'm super grateful to be alive. I'm super blessed to be alive and lucky. Very, very, very, very, very lucky just to be here and be the person I am. Be back to the person I am.
"I'm the same person I was except now I have a lot different perspective on life. I have this whole new understanding of how precious life is, we're not all guaranteed the same thing and at any moment it can be taken from us.
"My way of coping is humour and positivity. Staying positive no matter what the situation is because you never know what's cut out for you."
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