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Sinbad shares rare health update two years after suffering stroke

Sinbad shares rare health update two years after suffering stroke

Sinbad is on a long road to recovery

Sinbad's family have issued a rare health update to fans two years after the comedian suffered a life-changing stroke.

The 66-year-old is finally re-learning to walk in physical therapy, and is looking for support from fans as he continues his recovery journey.

Sinbad (real name David Adkins) was rushed to hospital in October 2020 when a blood clot reached his brain and triggered an ischemic stroke.

The star's family said while he was in hospital for nine months, he's still 'fighting for every inch' of his life.

Sinbad suffered a life-altering stroke in 2020.
The Journey Forward

According to an update, posted on a website set up by his relatives, Sinbad's road to recovery is 'unclear and extremely difficult for the family to navigate'.

They wrote: "It wasn't long before we realised he couldn't move his left side or simply hold his head up. The more time passed, the more the family learned how much had been lost."

Over the next few months, medics managed to wean. Sinbad off a ventilator, and last year, he began physical, occupational, and speech therapy.

"His progress is nothing short of remarkable. Limbs that were said to be 'dead' are coming alive and he’s taking the steps necessary to learn to walk again.

"In his own words, 'I am not done. I will not stop fighting until I can walk across the stage again.' And neither will we."

The comedian is now re-learning how to walk.
The Journey Forward

Sinbad's loved ones added that he has already beaten the odds of survival, which were just 30 per cent.

Unfortunately, though, he still has a long way to go, and the costs of therapy and treatment have taken a serious financial toll on his family.

In the hopes of providing further treatment for Sinbad, his family are now reaching out to fans who might have the means to support them. All donations to the family's site will go to the Adkins Trust 'to help provide for Sinbad’s care and help him continue to fight this battle.'

The update finishes with a message from the family, thanking fans for the 'multitude of prayers from all who know and love [Sinbad]'.

They wrote: "Every outpouring of love and the memories of how he has touched all of you have not gone unheard, unseen or unfelt.

While Sinbad defied the odds of survival, he still has a long way to go in his recovery journey.
Sipa US/Alamy Stock Photo

"Thank you. You have lifted his spirits along the way and inspired the entire family."

The plea finished with a final message from Sinbad himself, which read: "Thank God for everything he's given you, even if it's not everything you asked for.

"Thank God for family and hug the ones you love while you're still with them. We need each other to get through this journey.

"I can't wait to see you all again soon. As always, stay funky, stay prayed up."

You can make a donation to the Adkins Trust here, which will go towards Sinbad's care and recovery.

Featured Image Credit: The Journey Forward

Topics: Celebrity, Health