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Singer Taylor Momsen must undergo rabies shots after being bitten by a bat onstage

Singer Taylor Momsen must undergo rabies shots after being bitten by a bat onstage

The singer had been performing onstage when a bat flew onstage and bit her

Singer Taylor Momsen has to undergo a series of rabies shots after a bat flew onstage during a show and bit her.

Yes, you read that right.

As a musician, there are many things which can go wrong while you're performing on stage.

Maybe you drop your mic, or a part of your instrument falls off and you have to repair it or adapt on the fly.

It could be that someone from the audience throws something, or even gets on stage.

But for Taylor Momsen, it was something else entirely which was invading the stage when a bat flew onto her while she was performing in Seville, Spain.

If that wouldn't be enough to send most people into a panic, the flying mammal did also bite the singer while she was performing.

As a result, she now has to undergo a series of rabies shots following the escapade.

But despite all that, she managed to keep performing. The show must go on!

The bat landed on her leg during the performance. (Instagram /taylormomsen)
The bat landed on her leg during the performance. (Instagram /taylormomsen)

In fact, the singer seemed wholly unbothered by the encounter in a post to Instagram, describing the bat as 'cute' despite it biting her.

Posting about the incident to her social media page, she describing how the crowd had been left 'screaming' when the bat landed on her.

She wrote: "So…ROCK AND ROLL MOMENT…in Sevilla Wednesday during “Witches Burn” of all songs… a BAT flew onto me and clung to my leg…in the moment I was performing and had no idea until the incredible crowd kept screaming and pointing…"

There's being into the music and there's not knowing you have a bat on your leg.

She continued: "He was cute, but yes he bit me…so rabies shots for the next two weeks thanks to all the staff at the hospital who dubbed me #batgirl after seeing it on the local news that morning…more footage to come…that’s one for the books!!!!"

Momsen had to go and get rabies shots afterwards. (Instagram /taylormomsen)
Momsen had to go and get rabies shots afterwards. (Instagram /taylormomsen)

Many people flocked into the comments to share their thoughts on the bizarre moment, with one writing: "You handled that like a pro! Damn! What a memory for you," while another wrote: "I would have freaked out you handled that so well."

Another pointed out this wasn't the first time a bat has featured in a rock concert, commenting: "Ozzy's proud."

This references an infamous moment where Ozzy Osbourne accidentally bit the head off a living bat.

Part of Osbourne's onstage ritual had been to throw raw meat at the audience, who would throw back whatever crazy things they could sneak in.

This included sheep testicles, live snakes and frogs, dead rats, and of course the live bat.

Mistaking it for a rubber bat, Osbourne bit its head off in front of the horrified crowd.

He later recalled: “I’ll tell you what guys, it ain’t fun when you get them rabies shots.”

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@taylormomsen

Topics: News, US News, World News, Music, Celebrity, Animals