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Meghan Trainor And Her Husband Have Double Toilets For A Very Weird Reason

Meghan Trainor And Her Husband Have Double Toilets For A Very Weird Reason

Meghan Trainor has been married to Spy Kids star Daryl Sabara since 2018, having welcomed their first child last year

While people might see their bathroom as a place of solitude and privacy, singer Meghan Trainor and her husband prefer to make their experience more of a group hang – having had side-by-side toilets installed at their home so that they can go to the loo together.  

Trainor, 28, married Spy Kids star Daryl Sabara, 30, back in 2018, before the couple went on to welcome their first child in February 2021. 

She previously revealed that, after buying a new home together a while back, they had decided to request an unusual design feature in their bathroom – asking a second toilet to be placed next to the other existing loo. 

Now Trainor has revealed that she and Sabara use the toilets in tandem ‘every day’, although she doesn’t usually like to stick around if he’s going for a number two. 

The couple got married in 2018 and welcomed their first child last year.

In a new interview on the Pretty Basic podcast, she said: "He'll hang out with me while I poop. It was just, I can't take his poops. Sorry, Daryl. 

"Like, man poops are a different fucking level. But my poops don't smell." 

She added: "It's the best part. We hold hands, we pee. 

"He sits while he pees, which he's mad that I told the world that too. It's easy, he's tired, he's a dad." 

Trainor said she was more than happy to tell the world about their double toilets as she thought ‘someone might be interested in it’. 

“I didn’t think it would go viral the way it did — to the point where it affected our relationship,” she said. 

“Daryl was like, ‘You need to stop.’ I said ‘Why? People love it!’” 

Trainor said they 'hold hands' when they pee.

She admitted her own mother has also expressed her concerns before, saying: “My mom too … I’m so personal and open about everything and she said ‘Did you HAVE to talk about your anal fissures on TikTok?’ Mom! Everyone has them. It’s fine!” 

The star had originally shared her toilet habits with another podcast in October 2021, explaining on Why Won’t You Date Me? how she and her husband got ‘two toilets sitting next to each other’. 

After her comments went viral, she was forced to clarify a few things on Twitter, telling her shocked fans: “To clear things up…we pooped ONCE together and we laughed and said never again… but he will hang out with me if I’m [poo]ing cuz WE SOULMATES. And I legit miss him when I’m away from him. And we pee together obvi.” 

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Featured Image Credit: PA Images/Alamy Stock Photo/Meghan Trainor

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