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Fans Slam Jennifer Lopez For Saying She Was Livid At Having To Share Stage With Shakira

Fans Slam Jennifer Lopez For Saying She Was Livid At Having To Share Stage With Shakira

Jennifer Lopez complained about sharing the Super Bowl stage with Shakira and fans are split.

Fans have slammed Jennifer Lopez as 'entitled' for saying she thought sharing a stage with Shakira was a bad idea.

Jennifer Lopez and Shakira wowed fans with their combined performance on stage at the 2020 Super Bowl.

However, an upcoming Netflix documentary will show there was unhappiness from Lopez at sharing a stage with Shakira.

The documentary, Halftime, focuses on J.Lo and her performance at the Super Bowl, including a moment where the singer admits she thinks going on stage with Shakira is 'the worst idea in the world'.

In it, the singer is shown fuming at her musical director over the shorter time she will have to perform because she is having to share the stage.

She says: "We have six f**king minutes. We have 30 seconds of a song, and if we take a minute, that's it, we've got five left.

"But, there's got to be certain songs that we sing, though. We have to have our singing moments. It's not going to be a dance f**king revue. We have to sing our message.

"This is the worst idea in the world to have two people do the Super Bowl. It was the worst idea in the world."

Jennifer Lopez performed on stage at the 2020 Super Bowl but was unhappy to be sharing the stage.

According to Buzzfeed, fans have argued back that the singer is being 'entitled' for complaining about having to share a stage, with many pointing out that the pair put on an incredible show and that should be what really matters.

One person said Lopez was being 'entitled' and harshly slammed her as 'a mediocre artist with 0 relevance in the modern world'.

Another said a better option to having the singers split their time would have been to 'let Shakira do it alone'.

Others defended the singer, pointing out that 'there is no Shakira slander' and all of Lopez's frustrations are directed towards the NFL for choosing to put them in the same time slot.

Shakira and J.Lo went on stage together at the 2020 Super Bowl, held in Miami, Florida.

Buzzfeed also noted that solo Super Bowl performers usually get somewhere between 12 and 16 minutes on stage, giving artists the time to do a number of their biggest songs.

Halftime shows the duo working out how to split their time, with the singers discussing how the performance would work and complaining that they didn't have enough time.

In the documentary Lopez is heard to say they should have been given 20 minutes if organisers wanted both headline acts to be on stage at the same time.

Halftime is streaming on Netflix from Tuesday, 14 June.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Jennifer Lopez, Super Bowl